Abdul Karim Albrem MHPSS- Engelstalig

Abdul Karim Albrem MHPSS- Engelstalig

Karim crosses the street.

My name is Karim Albrem.
I'm 24 years old and I'm originally from Aleppo, Syria.
Currently I live in Hamburg, Germany.
I completed training as a psychosocial counsellor, and I worked for two years as a stress management trainer at the University Clinic of Hamburg.

Karim receives his badge for the event.

Thank you very much.

Karim enters the room where the event will take place.

In 2015 the bombs were raining down.
My neighbours were buried in the rubble.
After my parents' apartment was bombed for the third time, my father insisted that I leave.

Name title: Abdul Karim Albrem – refugee and MHPSS expert.

Karim Albrem:
So I left.

Name title: Sigrid Kaag – Dutch minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation

And as we can read in the Talmud, every person matters.
Whoever saves a life, saves the world.
Let's go make that happen. Well done.

People applauding.

A man attaches a microphone to Karim:
Hi. Nice to meet you.
That’s good?

Name title: After a long journey Karim reaches Germany.
Where he finds himself traumatized.
He is able to treat himself, by following a MHPSS training.

Karim Albrem:
That was even the turning point that helped me to succeed and to be where I am today.
So, after three months I started to do the training.
I'm now a trainer.
I'm really happy now that I'm supporting my community in their mother tongue.

A woman at the event:
You can explain what it does.

A man at the event:
You can just look around, as if you're there.

Karim looks through a virtual reality headset.

Karim Albrem:

Title: Besides his job at Hamburg University, Karim is active in many ways supporting traumatized refugees in Germany.

Karim Albrem:
Oh my God, I’m completely in another world.
Hello, thank you for organising the summit on mental health.

Karim being interviewed.

Woman with microphone:
Are you staying here?

Karim Albrem:
Yes, I'm staying.

Woman with microphone:
We'll see you tomorrow.

Karim Albrem:
We'll see you tomorrow, sure.

Woman with microphone:
There is also a programme in the afternoon.

Karim Albrem:
Yeah, there is a programme, sure.

Woman with microphone:
See you tomorrow, God willing.

Karim Albrem:
My dream is to have an organization led by refugees and migrants to support our communities.
It's so important and I think even for us, I can say in general, as refugees.

End title: Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Mind the mind now