Toespraak van minister Ploumen bij de donor conference Supporting Syria and the Region 2016

Toespraak van minister Ploumen (Buitenlandse Handel en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking) bij de donor conference 'Supporting Syria and the Region' 2016 in Londen op 4 februari 2016. De toespraak is alleen in het Engels beschikbaar.

Thank you, Prime Minister Cameron, for hosting the 4th Syria pledging conference.

And my compliments to the governments of the UK, Kuwait, Germany and Norway and to the UN for organising this important meeting. The violence in Syria is entering its 6th year. The shocking images from Madaya and other places tell a dramatic story of desperation, exhaustion and destruction. Unfortunately, aid is still urgently needed and no-one – not the countries in the region, Europe or the global community – can ignore what is happening. This crisis is affecting the entire world, and everyone must make a concrete contribution.

The Netherlands takes its international responsibility seriously. I've come to London to pledge 125 million euros for 2016. The Netherlands is committed to an integrated approach combining short-term humanitarian assistance and initiatives that help build resilient societies throughout the region. We need to invest in trade and infrastructure, in education and job creation, and in strengthening the position of women and girls.

This long-term perspective is crucial. And it's good that this conference is explicitly drawing attention to this need. Creating opportunities for the future begins with a political solution that ends the violence and fulfils the long-held desire of the Syrian people to live in freedom, without violence and oppression. This is more likely to happen if Syrian women play an active role in the peace process. What it comes down to is this: the next generation must not inherit this conflict. We need to ensure that children can go to school, young people can learn a trade and adults can find jobs.

Only then will the situation be safe enough for those who’ve left everything behind to return home. We have to help make this possible. Until that day, there is still a vital role for the countries in the region that are hosting large numbers of refugees. The people of Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey deserve our appreciation for their enormous efforts. This crisis is affecting their lives, too. It’s important that the lines of communication remain open, to ensure that everyone in the region has a future. Everyone needs to help make this possible.

Ladies and gentlemen, Syria’s future – both near and distant – is important to us all. There's no time to lose.

Thank you.