Opening TEDxBinnenhof

Speech by Minister of Economic Affairs Henk Kamp opening Tedx Binnenhof, 31 March 2014, Ridderzaal, Den Haag.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

As you've seen, I've just driven to the Binnenhof in the Stella. Stella is a solar-powered prototype family car, which also generates energy that can be used when you're at home. Stella is the result of a highly successful cooperation between the University of Eindhoven and the automotive industry. It is an example of an innovation that not only has economic value, but also responds to the challenge of energy transition.

Our planet faces more major challenges, such as growing demand for food, threats to security and to the environment, and an ageing population. These are global challenges, to which we think we have Dutch solutions. Because in the Netherlands, we realise that threats also bring opportunities. This requires both an innovative and an entrepreneurial spirit.

And fortunately, we have innovation in our DNA. Being Dutch we had to be inventive to survive. We had to be innovative. After all, our nation would not exist without dams, flood barriers and dykes. What were once innovations - are now tried, tested and trusted systems. Which we export all over the world, together with our know-how.

And enterprise is in our blood as well: in the Netherlands, there are almost a million small and medium enterprises. They make up the backbone of the Dutch economy. Our business climate has for many years been among the top 10 in the world. And in terms of agricultural products, we are the second largest exporter in the world. Ambition and cooperation between entrepreneurs, researchers and government are key to finding Dutch Solutions for Global Challenges. And our 9 top sectors provide the platform for this ambitious cooperation. As such, these top sectors aren't just policy instruments: they are the cradle of invention and responsible for over 95% of Dutch innovations!

As government, we stimulate this fruitful cooperation. For example by doubling the budget for innovation subsidy for SMEs to get greater involvement of small and medium-sized businesses and start-ups in the topsectors. This will help businesses, much like those present here today, to accomplish their ambitions. And that, consequently, strengthens our economy.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Our nation has produced many icons of innovations, like the Delta Works, our world-renowned flood management system, the artificial kidney and the telescope. And we continue to work on ambitious projects that change the world for the better. In order to solve the challenges we face, build economic strength and inspire citizens, entrepreneurs and scientists all over the world, we want to showcase our innovative projects to the world. Therefore, the cabinet has decided to start a quest for national icons. And I'm opening this quest today, here and now in de Ridderzaal. I invite companies, coalitions and knowledge institutes to bring forward their pioneering projects with ambitious goals that will provide for our future prosperity and solve the challenges our planet faces. Projects that fit the title of "National Icon".

The "national icons" selected by the cabinet can count on extra support on a Ministerial level for instance in the European arena, access to the international network of the ministers and full exposure through trade missions.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your attention. I wish you all an inspiring afternoon!