Economic Impact of the Dutch Gas Hub Strategy on the Netherlands

In deze publicatie vindt u informatie over de Nederlandse strategie om de positie op de Europese gasmarkt verder te versterken en Nederland daarmee uit te bouwen tot de gasrotonde van Noordwest Europa.

Deze publicatie bevat de volgende onderwerpen:

  • The Current Contribution of the Dutch Gas Sector.
  • The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Gas Hub Strategy.
  • The Economic Impact of a Dutch Gas Hub Strategy.

Datum van uitgave: september 2010 / bestelcode 282002_E03

On page 16, Figure 2: read "40" instead of 10 on the vertical axis.

On page 23, Figure 7: the labels of the bars are incorrect. The orange part represents "Other operating costs", the light&blue part represents "Labour costs" and the dark&blue represents "Investments".

On page 31, Figure 17: the labels of the bars are incorrect. The orange bar represents the number of workers in "Related activities" and not "Corporation tax, other moneys, Brent spot price (6& month lag). The blue bar represents the number of workers in "Gas Exploration and Production" and not "EBN net profit". The source for this figure is CBS.

On page 65, Figure 29: the orange line represents the Gas Hub scenario. The blue line represents the Base Case scenario.