UNHCR: Involve refugees & internally displaced in Colombia peace talks
Briefing Notes, 12 April 2016
This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson Adrian Edwards - to whom quoted text may be attributed - at the press briefing, on 12 April 2016, at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.
Two weeks ago, on 30 March 2016, the Government of Colombia and the ELN (Ejercito de Liberacion Nacional) announced that they would start formal peace talks in an effort to end more than half a century of fighting. UNHCR welcomes this announcement. Today we are calling on the negotiators to
give special attention to the rights of victims, especially internally displaced people and refugees.
Colombia's five-decade armed conflict has produced the world's second biggest displacement situation as of today (Syria is currently the biggest displacement situation). Some 6.7 million people are displaced inside the country - around 13 per cent of the entire population. And 360,000
officially recognized refugees have fled abroad: Mostly this has been to Ecuador, which hosts the largest number of refugees in Latin America, and to Venezuela, home to around 170,000 Colombians in need of international protection.
UNHCR supports the active involvement of refugees and internally displaced people in peace negotiations. Our view is that that victims should have access to the negotiating parties, as happened during talks between the Government and the FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia), when
more than 60 victims had opportunity to participate in the Havana negotiations.
UNHCR believes that a positive outcome to the negotiations will open the way for reintegration of the internally displaced and returning refugees, resulting over time in an improved human rights situation and in economic and social development in remote areas, including the country's borders.
In the meantime, Colombian refugees and asylum-seekers will continue to need international protection in asylum countries, and the voluntary character of repatriations should be maintained.
UNHCR is ready to support the Government of Colombia in its efforts to restore the rights of Colombian internally displaced people and returning refugees and address their protection and assistance needs. UNHCR's experience in post-conflict situations throughout the world is that regional
solutions frameworks, such as tripartite mechanisms, voluntary repatriation agreements, reintegration strategies and public policy for local integration, especially in urban settings, are key contributions to building a sustainable peace.
In Colombia, UNHCR has been involved in a Transitional Solutions Initiative, which has helped displaced communities obtain housing, land and livelihoods opportunities and has contributed to their enjoyment of basic rights and the strengthening of communities. Some 38,700 people have benefitted
in 17 localities. In Ecuador, a separate Comprehensive Solutions Initiative has, in a similar way, helped Colombian refugees and asylum-seekers enjoy their rights to health, education, employment and housing, and provided them with legal support and advice. In Venezuela, local integration
efforts focus on the issuance of documentation to help people gain meaningful protection including effective access to health, education, housing and livelihood opportunities.
For further information on this topic, please contact:
* In Mexico city, Francesca Fontanini +52 1 55 91972690, fontanin@unhcr.org
* In Washington DC, Brian Hansford, +1 202 999 8253 hansford@unhcr.org
* In Geneva, Nora Sturm +41 79 200 7618, sturmn@unhcr.org
* In Geneva, Adrian Edwards +41 79 557 9120, edwards@unhcr.org