KVAN - Koninklijke Vereniging van Archivarissen in Nederland
06-11-2015: Register now for DISH2015!
With Money & Power as the focal point, DISH2015 offers an inspiring programme featuring international keynote speakers from across the cultural heritage an creative industry sectors. Digital Strategies for Heritage (DISH) is the biennial international conference on digital heritage and
strategies for heritage institutions. DISH2015 will be held on December 7 & 8 2015 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The framework set by the keynote speakers will be enriched withinteractive sessions and intimate Chefs tables that enable participants to share their own experiences and exchange
thoughts with other guests and inspiring table chefs.
You can register for DISH2015 until the 30th of November via www.dish2015.nl/register/. Normal rate tickets will be available until November 22nd, after that, prices will go up.
We look forward to welcoming you in Rotterdam on 7 & 8 December 2015!