KVAN - Koninklijke Vereniging van Archivarissen in Nederland
06-11-2015: Twitter inspiration for DISH2015!
Dear members of the DISH2015 programme committee,
Following our mail yesterday, we like to offer you - courtesy of Marco de Niet- some tweets for inspiration to support the push for registrations before 22 November (after this date price for participation will go up) . Over the course of the next two weeks we will use these tweets on the
DISH2015 twitter account. Please feel free to use them on your twitter accounts, to retweet and to formulate your own! We will retweet and share using #dish2015.
What to learn from thought leaders on digital heritage strategies? Join us at #DISH2015. Register at www.dish2015.nl/register/
Want to discuss how we can improve our lobbying with governments and funders? Join us at #DISH2015. Register at http://www.dish2015.nl/register/
This year, DISH teams up with organisers of the #NODEM conferences. Join us as well at #DISH2015. Register at http://www.dish2015.nl/register/
Is `Power to the people' the best strategy for digital heritage services? Join us at #DISH2015. Register at http://www.dish2015.nl/register/
Do you seek closer collaboration between archives, libraries and museums? Join us at #DISH2015. Register at http://www.dish2015.nl/register/
Want to hear more about copyright reform for digital heritage? Join us at #DISH2015. Register at http://www.dish2015.nl/register/
Looking for inspiration to innovate your business model with digital heritage? Join us at #DISH2015. Register at http://www.dish2015.nl/register/