Our Centres in China

Our Centres in China

16 september 2015

Through its academic staff, the Centre for East Asian Studies Groningen partners with the Dutch Study Centre at Fudan University (Shanghai), the European Study Centre at Tsinghua University (Beijing) and the Dutch Study Centre at Osaka University (Osaka).

Fudan University

Dutch Studies Centre

The Dutch Studies Centre(DSC) is based on the cooperation between Fundan University and Groningen University. The DSC functions as an education, research and information institute.The DSC organizes classes at Fudan University covering the Dutch and European political system, social and
economic policies, historical and cultural developments, and other related topics. Also, the DSC aims to conduct research in the areas of Dutch and European politics, economics, literature, history, art history, language and culture, and to publish research papers and textbooks. Finally, with
an increasing number of Chinese students coming to the Netherlands to study in Dutch higher education institutions, the DSC serves as an information channel for these visiting students. Read more

Tsinghua University

Tsinghua University

The Tsinghua-Groningen research center for China-EU relations was established in September 2011. The mission of TGRC is to carry out interdisciplinary teaching and research at both universities on topics related to the European Union, EU-China relations and Sino-Dutch relations; to cultivate
experts and talents in the field of European studies and International Relations; to enhance the mutual understanding and exchange between China and Europe/the Netherlands; and to generate exposure and publicity for both universities. TGRC provides an information channel for Chinese students
visiting the Netherlands; and organizing cultural events to deepen understanding of each other's traditions and cultures.


Groningen IR (International Relations) staff provides an annual two-week course on European integration and EU-China relations for Tsinghua IIS (Tsinghua's Institute of International Studies) and other interested students. After the course, each individual student writes a paper on a topic
related to the central theme. The Tsinghua student with the best paper wins a scholarship for studying one semester at the University of Groningen. Besides this prize-winning student, other forms of regular student exchange between the two Universities have been implemented. Moreover, each
academic year Tsinghua sends an IIS professor to the University of Groningen to teach IR classes or attend a research conference.


We organize workshops, seminars and conferences on issues of joint concern: primarily European integration, China-EU relations and Sino-Dutch relations, and international security (arms control), international political economy, globalization problems, etc. Research initiatives like these lead
to joint book publications and articles in established IR and IO journals. The exchange of staff and PhD students between the two universities is also one of the major results of the research cooperation.

Information channel

TGRC provides an information channel for Chinese students visiting the Netherlands; and organizing cultural events to deepen understanding of each other's traditions and cultures. On the Groningen side, TGRC also aims to increase the interest in China-related studies at Groningen University,
for example by cooperating with the Groningen Confucius institute and strengthening the University's China academic network. There is also close collaboration with the newly founded Center for East Asian Studies Groningen (CEASG).