Dairy capacity building in East Africa
Gepubliceerd op
31 augustus 2015
The demand for milk products is growing worldwide, and so is the production of milk and dairy products in many countries. This requires more specialised,knowledgeable and experienced investors, managers and dairy farm workers. In many countries, livestock training curricula do not respond to
these changes in demand for more specialised dairy education. A round of workshops in four East African countries was conducted to analyse and discuss with all relevant stakeholders the current state of affaris in dairy training and education.
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The demand for animal protein is growing. A large part of the growing demand can be met by
dairy products. As a result, also production systems are changing: farms are becoming larger or
intensify their production because land is scarce. The growing demand will have to be met from ever diminishing resources. Production will intensify; the world will produce more from less.
East Africa Dairy Expert Consultation
This was also recognised by the East Africa Dairy Expert Consultation (EADEC) which was held in April 2014 in Uganda. During this meeting, the donors involved agreed that better coordination is needed and decided to create thematic lead agencies which would coordinate additional investments
and actions in areas of dairy development where they are most needed. The Netherlands took on the task of leading the discussion on improving "competency of dairy farmers, staff and entrepreneurs along the value chain".
As part of the implementation hereof, workshops were held in Rwanda, Tanzania and Kenya in the second half of 2014. During the workshops it was realised that dairy training and education face the challenge of keeping up with and anticipating the changes in dairy production, as knowledge and
skills are important for quick adoption of appropriate technology.
This report is a first step towards an appropriate country-based approach to improve dairy training and education. No blueprint exists, as the situation differs very much from country to
country. The report however provides an outline for assessing and improving dairy training and education and provides advices that can serve as a handle to improve the approaches towards a
more labour market oriented training and education.
* AG (Adriaan) Vernooij
Contactpersoon AG (Adriaan) Vernooij
Wageningen UR Livestock Research
Fundamental, innovative research and practical solutions for sustainable and profitable livestock farming
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* Visions on dairy capacity building for East Africa
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