Young eScientist Award

Young eScientist Award

17 juli 2015
Beginning in 2015, NLeSC will sponsor and coordinate an eScience prize to be awarded to a young scientist demonstrating excellence in the development or application of eScience approaches to address scientific challenges.
Application Submission: Applications for the award close on September 1st.
40Keuro in kind provision of eScience Research Engineer support to undertake project
10Keuro personal sponsorship for travel or consumables
The award is to be made annually at the NLeSC National eScience Symposium. Prize to be awarded to a young scientist based on combination of:
1. demonstrated previous success in the development or application of data-driven or compute-intensive research within a scientific domain or multiple domains
2. the quality of a new project idea and its applicability as an NLeSC path-finding project.
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