Vereniging FME-CWM



Special master class for foreign CEO's

Datum: 1 juli 2010
Locatie: Arnhem

The number of foreign CEO's in FME member companies is becoming substantial. These foreign CEO's are often unfamiliar with the Dutch culture, legal system and model for consultations ("poldermodel").

In order to provide a clear understanding of typically Dutch elements of law, business and political culture which are important for foreign CEO's, FME organises a special master class. This master class shall take place on Thursday 1 July 2010 in Hotel Groot Warnsborn in Arnhem, the Netherlands.

The provisional programme for this master class is as follows:
* 15.00 h: Welcome - Hans van der Spek/director FME Consultancy
* 15.10 h: Typically Dutch labour law: outline of major elements - Bert Verstraten/FME Lawyers (dual dismissal system, employees/works council, collective labour agreement (CAO), reorganisations)
* 16.10 h: Typically Dutch commercial law: outline of major elements
- Lindsay Hopmans/FME Lawyers (legal position and responsibilities of CEO's, personal liability of CEO's, competition law, product liability and CE-marking)

* 17.10 h: "What's in it for me?", overview of services of FME to member companies - Hans van der Spek/director FME Consultancy
* 17.50 h: cocktail, network opportunities
* 18.30 h: dinner and speeches (on the Dutch model for consultations ("poldermodel"), the FME objectives and lobbying and major policy issues - Jan Kamminga/FME President, on the FME lobbying at the EU in Brussels and on major EU policy issues - Hester Jansen/FME lobbyist in Brussels)

* 20.00 h: conclusion of meeting


Participation by CEO's of FME member companies is for free. The participation fee for non members is EUR 300,-, excl. VAT. This price includes the dinner.


You may subscribe to this master class by sending an e-mail to Ms Saskia van Toorn,

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Agenda rss

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