Oxfam Novib aan ministerconferentie: Streep door schulden Haiti
25/01/2010 11:44
Oxfam Novib
Oxfam Novib aan Haiti conferentie:
Streep door schulden Haiti en mis de armste gebieden in Haiti niet.
De minsters van buitenlandse zaken, vandaag bijeen in Montreal, zouden de internationale schuld van Haïti van 890 miljoen dollar moeten kwijtschelden. Na de verwoestende aardbeving van vorige week is deze schuld een molensteen rond Haïti's nek, die het land zal verhinderen de wederopbouw ter hand te nemen.
Deze oproep doet de internationale organisatie Oxfam, waarvan Oxfam Novib deel uitmaakt.
Verder roept de organisatie op tot:
- Steun aan de Haïtiaanse boeren en kleine bedrijven
- garanties dat de arme arme gebieden profiteren van de financiële bijdragen, om economisch herstel te bevorderen.
- Steun aan maatschappelijke organisaties en de Haïtiaanse regering, onder andere tijdelijke noodminsteries in tenten.
- 'Beter terugbouwen', bijvoorbeeld aarbevingsbestendige gebouwen en andere enrgiebronnen om verdere ontbossing tegen te gaan.
(Vervolg tekst van het originele Engelse bericht.)
Haïtian recovery risks being undermined by the country's debt burden and by a pre-existing food crisis that has left Haiti dependent on imports for 40% of its food, the agency warned. With the planting season due to begin in two weeks, urgent steps are needed to boost food production and stave off further hardship for up to 3 million Haitians affected by the disaster.
Oxfam is also calling on donors to deliver on the IMF's pledge to turn a $100m emergency loan to Haiti into a grant and is calling on them to learn the lessons of previous disasters and ensure funding is available to provide incomes for local people.
Jeremy Hobbs, Oxfam International Executive Director, said: "Expecting Haiti to repay billions of dollars as the country struggles to overcome one of the worst natural disasters in recent memory would be both cruel and unnecessary.
"Immediate cancellation of foreign debt must be accompanied by urgent action to support farmers and prevent a man-made food crisis exacerbating the hardship faced by the people of Haiti.
"This should take place alongside steps to speed the recovery of local markets such as cash grants to pay earthquake survivors to clear rubble and undertake other jobs linked to reconstruction."
Oxfam warned that donors, the UN and Haitian government must work together to ensure that poor areas that were amongst the hardest hit by the earthquake benefit fully from reconstruction efforts.
Hobbs said: "Haiti is a divided and highly unequal society so there is a real risk that, in the weeks and months after the earthquake, politically influential and richer Haitians will secure reconstruction resources at the expense of Port-au Prince's poorest."
Donors should step-up efforts to help the Haitian government and civil society recover from the disaster. This could include providing 'ministries in a box' - large tents containing the basic tools, such as telephones, desks and chairs, which are needed for a government department to operate.
Oxfam called on the sixteen foreign ministers of the 'Friends of Haiti' attending the Montreal meeting to clearly define the role of the international military and make clear that forces will operate under the overall leadership of the UN and Haitian government. Two weeks after the earthquake, it remains unclear how the United States and other major donors will coordinate their assistance
Hobbs said; "The leadership of the response must remain clearly in the hands of the United Nations and the Government of Haiti and all international military must actively and visibly coordinate efforts with the UN and Haitian Government on every level."
Oxfam asked the UN to step up night security patrols to protect the civilian population and for improved coordination on security measures between the Haitian government and international military forces.
It warned that people in Port-au-Prince are increasingly concerned for their own safety and security. People sleeping on the streets have told Oxfam that they are being attacked and their meagre belongings stolen. At least half a million people are living outdoors in improvised camps in the capital.