vrijdag 9 oktober 2009
Sophie in 't Veld over vrijheid van informatie in Italië
"Als we onze gemeenschap van waarden serieus nemen als Europese Unie,
moet de Europese Commissie optreden tegen inbreuken op de
persvrijheid of vrijheid van meningsuiting. Niet alleen in
kandidaat-lidstaten maar òòk in de huidige lidstaten" aldus Sophie in
't Veld.
De D66ster reageerde hiermee op de uitspraak van Commissaris Reding
tijdens het plenaire debat op 8 oktober 2009 in het Europees Parlement
over vrijheid van informatie in Italië.
De Commissaris had gezegd dat de lidstaten zelf in eerste instantie
verantwoordelijk waren voor democratie en de grondrechten en dat de EU
daar geen rol in had.
In 't Veld haalde artikel 6 van het EU Verdrag en het juridisch
instrument in artikel 7 aan, die volgens haar het tegendeel bewezen.
Hieronder de volledige tekst van haar bijdrage aan het debat:
"Madam President, I have to confess I was rather shocked by the
statement of Commissioner Reding because, indeed, the Member States
are primarily responsible for ensuring respect for democracy and
fundamental rights. But you are wrong if you say that the EU has no
role to play here.
First of all, there is Article 6 of the Treaty on European Union,
which reads: The Union is founded on the principles of liberty,
democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the
rule of law, principles which are common to the Member States. And to
prove that that was not just a hollow statement, the European Union
furnished itself with Article 7 the legal instrument to enforce
Article 6.
Secondly, Mrs Reding, when we are negotiating with candidate states,
we insist that they apply the highest standards of press freedom,
otherwise they cannot join the European Union. This demand has been
laid down in the Copenhagen criteria so why do we apply different
standards to candidate states from those applied to current Member
States, Commissioner Reding? There are other countries where there are
violations of press freedom or freedom of speech, such as the Czech
Republic, which has just passed a law restricting the freedom of the
press, or Ireland, which has passed a draconian blasphemy law.
Commissioner Reding, I conclude by saying if we are serious about
being a Community of values, then the European Commission needs to