

Nieuwe HP Business Service Automation rekent af met de `dark side' van virtualisatie

Uitbreiding op HP Software portfolio verlaagt beheerskosten van virtualisatie

AMSTELVEEN, 8 april 2009 - HP kondigt een nieuwe versie van zijn Business Service Automation (BSA) software aan. Met de uitbreidingen kunnen klanten hun operationele kosten verder terugbrengen door het automatiseren en efficiënter uitrollen van virtuele datacenters. Het zorgt voor beheersing van toenemende beheerskosten die de toegenomen complexiteit en opslagbehoefte van een gevirtualiseerde IT-omgeving met zich mee kan brengen.

Onder de aankondiging van HP Software and Solutions vallen uitbreiding van:

· HP Storage Essentials, op standaarden gebaseerde Storage Resource Management software waarmee klanten de toegenomen vraag naar storage door gevirtualiseerde omgevingen kunnen opvangen. Dit is mogelijk dankzij verbetering van de allocatie en bezetting van storage.

· HP Operations Orchestration, automated workflow software waarmee klanten de provisioning en reputposing van hun servers en storage kunnen verbeteren. Dit zorgt voor een verlaging van de operationele kosten.

HP presenteert bovendien HP BSA Essentials, een online community en abonneeservice waarmee klanten het maximale uit hun BSA software kunnen halen.

Plus- en minpunten van virtualisatie

Virtualisatie helpt IT organisaties hun middelen te consolideren, kosten te verminderen en aan veranderende bedrijfscriteria te voldoen. De `donkere kant' van virtualisatie bestaat echter uit hogere operationele kosten door de verhoogde complexiteit en toename van de storagebehoeften. De aankondiging van HP is erop gericht om klanten alle voordelen van virtualisatie te laten benutten.

Mark Shoemaker, vice president, Operations Support Systems, Savvis zegt: "Met HP's geïntegreerde Business Service Automation suite, heeft Savvis een oplossing voor automatisering die meer zicht en controle geeft over onze multi-vendor virtuele en fysieke infrastructuren. Wij kunnen nieuwe servers nu in slechts minuten automatiseren, provisionen en uitrollen. Ook hebben we zo goed als real-time inzicht in applicaties en het netwerk. Onze managed hosting en cloud computing klanten hebben hier profijt van."

HP Operations Orchestration and HP Storage Essentials software zijn vanaf nu beschikbaar via HP en via hiertoe geselecteerde partners. Meer informatie over HP Business Service Automation software is beschikbaar op www.hp.com/go/bsa

Vervolg persbericht in het Engels

Automated storage provisioning, visibility and management

HP Storage Essentials software helps customers lower costs for managing, visualizing and reporting on heterogeneous storage infrastructure. It can automatically baseline, configure and provision storage resources to match changes in virtual infrastructure. Using HP Storage Essentials, some customers have reduced the amount of time required to provision storage by 90 percent.

New enhancements to HP Storage Essentials software help customers:

· Optimize storage capacity allocation and utilization by allowing IT organizations to discover and map VMware hosts to storage and storage area network (SAN) dependencies. This will enable the IT staff to remove storage from virtual machines that are not being fully utilized to other areas that need it most.

· Improve storage administration efficiency and reduce task errors by automatically provisioning storage to a VMware hypervisor or guest operating system.

· Drive greater collaboration across application, server and storage domains by breaking down silos, through new integrations with HP Operations Orchestration workflow software and across the HP BSA software suite.

According to Gartner research, "As virtual deployments rapidly increase in scale and complexity, IT organizations are looking for tools to automate many of the activities surrounding the management of virtual infrastructures. Updates to the virtual environment are increasingly requiring a holistic approach that takes into account not only virtualization dependencies, but also those related to the physical infrastructure."(1)

New and enhanced integrations for HP Operations Orchestration software

HP Operations Orchestration software saves customers time and money associated with managing routine IT operations by standardizing processes. The software automates incident resolution, change orchestration and maintenance tasks in the data center.

New enhancements to HP Operations Orchestration software help customers:

· Provision and repurpose additional servers and storage capacity without service downtime through an automated workflow.

· Reduce virtual server deployment time from hours to minutes through enhanced integration with the HP BSA suite.

· Manage heterogeneous virtualization technologies with a single solution through new integrations with VMware Virtual Infrastructure, Citrix XenServer and Microsoft® HyperV.

"Some customers have reduced the amount of time it took to provision and configure servers by 85 percent by using HP Business Service Automation software," said Michel Feaster, senior director, Products, Business Service Automation Software, HP. "Unlike other vendors that focus only on virtualized infrastructure or individual infrastructure silos, HP offers an integrated server, storage, network, client and process automation solution to coordinate the deployment of IT applications in virtual and physical infrastructures."

HP BSA Essentials maximizes the value of BSA software investments

HP BSA Essentials helps customers maximize the benefits of automation and virtualization. The online portal connects customers to BSA Essentials Subscription Services and the BSA Essentials Community.

· BSA Essentials Subscription Services provide access to security alerts and updates to regulation policy templates used for compliance auditing. This helps customers reduce risk by assessing and correcting security or policy violations that affect the technology infrastructure.

· The BSA Essentials Community allows customers to find updated product information, share best practices and get new content, such as virtualization management workflows for HP Operations Orchestration software.

HP BSA Essentials is available now at www.hp.com/go/bsaenetwork. Access is available to HP BSA software customers with a current maintenance contract.

HP Software Professional Services provides consulting services for BSA software to help customers maximize the value of their BSA virtualization solution.

HP Operations Orchestration and HP Storage Essentials software are available now from HP and select channel partners. More information on HP Business Service Automation software is available at www.hp.com/go/bsa.

The newly enhanced HP Business Service Automation software will be featured at the upcoming HP Software Universe 2009 Non-HP site .

HP's "Clear Skies in Virtualization Land" video demonstrating the enhancements to the HP BSA software is available here.

About HP

HP, the world's largest technology company, simplifies the technology experience for consumers and businesses with a portfolio that spans printing, personal computing, software, services and IT infrastructure. More information about HP (NYSE: HPQ) is available at http://www.hp.com/.