VU medisch centrum
European Society for Clinical Virology (ESCV 2009)
7 januari 2009 | Symposium
The meeting will provide a European forum not only for established
virologists, but also for students and postdocs, who are very welcome
to present their research, to obtain the latest info from peers and to
stimulate international interactions. The conference has the support
of European virology and microbiology organizations, specifically from
the Dutch organization, the `Nederlandse Werkgroep voor Klinische
Virologie (Dutch Study Group for Clinical Virology).
* Keynote lectures
* Interactive poster discussions
* New developments in clinical virology
* Special focus on viral infections relevant to public health: HIV,
STD, pandemic preparedness etc.
Datum : 7 januari 2009 tot 10 januari 2009
Tijd : 08:00
Locatie : VU University, Amsterdam
Kosten : EURO 395 - 495
Contactpersoon : Ms. I. van Baardwijk
Telefoon : +31 (0) 20 444 8 444
Website :