Provincie Limburg


Slotakkoord Limburgse conferentie in Brussel over arbeidsmobiliteit in grensregio's
Limburg Crossing Borders 2008

Woensdag 3 december organiseerde de Provincie Limburg in samenwerking met de Universiteit Maastricht en de Taskforce Grensarbeiders van de Euregio Maas-Rijn de conferentie arbeidsmobiliteit in grensregios. Deze derde editie van Limburg Crossing Borders vond plaats in het Concert Noble in Brussel. Deskundigen, belanghebbenden en regionale, nationale en Europese overheden wisselden ervaringen met elkaar uit over arbeidsmobiliteit in grensregios. Van Nederlandse zijde sprak onder andere mevrouw Van Es, Directeur Generaal van het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en van Duitse zijde minister Vigener van Justitie, Arbeid, Gezondheid en Sociale Zaken in Saarland. Aan het eind van de conferentie werden de resultaten en conclusies samengevat en werden de afspraken bekrachtigd met het ondertekenen van het volgende slotakkoord.

Labour mobility in Euroregions concluding statement The Labour Mobility in Border Regions conference on 3 December 2008 in Brussels declares:

* that the development of an innovative knowledge economy and labour market shortages as a result of demographic developments have resulted in the need to intensify cross-border cooperation in North-West Europe, at both national and regional level.
* that the continued globalisation of the world economy means that North-West Europe must be more accessible to knowledge workers from other parts of the world, in which context account should be taken of the specific problems of knowledge workers in border regions.

* that as a consequence of the above developments, a new phase in cross-border cooperation is being entered into, which focuses on structural collaboration and a further integration of the economy, labour market and education infrastructure.
* that bringing about a cross-border labour market will require us to proceed to effect:

+ a simplification and reduction of the administrative burden for cross-border and knowledge workers (on the Dutch and Belgian side alone there are as many as 28 laws that affect cross-border employment with all the implementation and administration problems that this entails);
+ more flexibility in regulations if possible, in order to promote cross-border employment

+ a better provision of information and supervision for cross-border and knowledge workers;

+ a better cross-border matching of skills and jobs including the exchange of vacancies data;

+ a better use of education infrastructure in border regions by improved cooperation and interchangeability of diplomas and competences;

+ education in linguistic and cultural differences on both sides of the border and for knowledge workers from other parts of the world.

* that bringing about a flexible and secure cross-border labour market will require a focused and cohesive effort on the above-mentioned action lines from knowledge institutions, businesses and public authorities at European, national, regional and local level.

Opportunities are being offered in this respect by the process in which the Dutch government is consulting with Germany and Belgium in order to find joint solutions to cross-border problem areas, based on daily practice in border regions.

* that the European Commission makes an important contribution by means of instruments such as EGTC, INTERREG, EURES. It is vital that these instruments are continued and expanded where possible in North-West Europe. It is also important that Europe develops a strategic position with regard to border regions and that more account is taken of the position of border regions when new guidelines are drawn up.

* that with a view to the above objective, a further information exchange and collaboration between border regions in North-West Europe is vital.

* that this conference will build on the successful conference on border regions held on 5 July 2006 in Saarbrücken, and that the parties will be invited to follow up the conference of 3 December 2008 in Brussels in 2010.

The Dutch government, represented by the Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, Dr Guusje ter Horst emphasises the importance of having a properly functioning cross-border labour market for the economic development of the border regions concerned and for North-West Europe as a whole. At the 3-country meeting to be held in the spring of 2009, she will therefore also be asking her German and Belgian counterparts to focus on the cross-border labour market. This subject has come to occupy a key position in the wide-ranging action programme on cross-border cooperation which she started with State Secretary Timmermans in January 2008. An effort must be made to agree on specific solutions to strengthen the cross-border labour market, especially in terms of the supply of information and the mutual recognition of educational qualifications.

The regional government of Saarland, represented by its Minister of Justice, Health and Social Affairs, Prof. Gerhard Vigener, and as a partner in the greater SaarLorLux region, points to the key significance of cross-border regions as major building blocks in the European integration process. The border regions have realised that the only way to achieve these goals is to remove barriers to mobility and to have effective cross-border cooperation while reducing national inequalities in employment and social law, in social security systems or in tax law. For this reason, the greater SaarLorLux region will follow the example set by the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion by setting up a task force for cross-border workers. This task force is to work on finding solutions for all the relevant problems which make cross-border mobility difficult. Although barriers to cross-border mobility must be identified at regional level, the political cooperation of national governments is also required to remove them. It is therefore important to continue to extend and intensify the exchange of experience and knowledge between the greater SaarLorLux region and the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion, as it is only by undertaking joint activities that it will be possible to achieve our political goals at national government level.

The Province of Limburg, represented by executive councillors Wolfs and Vrehen, will, together with its Euroregional partners and stakeholders, take the initiative to achieve better use and further integration of the labour market and educational infrastructure in the Euroregion. To this end, an agreement containing an action plan will be prepared in 2009, which will make it possible to lay the foundations for a Top Technology Region. The main focus of this agreement will be on:

* Creating transparency in the Euroregional labour market and educational infrastructure.

* Establishing Euroregional information and knowledge centres to promote the cross-border labour market.

* Creating an attractive business climate that will bring in talent and knowledge workers.

* Overcoming linguistic and cultural difference by such means as strengthening facilities for teaching the language of the neighbouring countries.

Brussels, 3 December 2008

Dr. Guusje ter Horst
Minister of the Interior and Kingdom relations The Netherlands

Prof. Gerhard Vigener
Minister of Justice Health and Social Affairs Saarland (Germany)

Odile Wolfs
Executive Education and Labour Market for the Province of Limburg (NL)

Ir. Herman Vrehen
Executive Economics for the Province of Limburg (NL)

4-12-2008 09:55