European Union

Brussel, 27 oktober 2008

Commissie trekt 186 miljoen euro uitvoor 143 nieuwe LIFE+-projecten

Na de eerste oproep tot het indienen van voorstellen voor het LIFE+-programma (2007-2013) - het Europese milieufonds - heeft de Europese Commissie de financiering van 143 nieuwe projecten goedgekeurd. De projecten komen uit heel de EU en betreffen acties op het gebied van natuurbehoud, milieubeleid en informatie en communicatie. In totaal bedraagt de investering 367 miljoen euro, waarvan de EU 186 miljoen euro zal verstrekken.

Milieucommissaris Stavros Dimas verklaarde: "Ik ben onder de indruk van de verscheidenheid en de hoge kwaliteit van de voorstellen die dit jaar zijn ingediend. De geselecteerde projecten zullen niet alleen een aanzienlijk effect hebben op het milieu maar zullen ook anderen op weg helpen om dezelfde technieken toe te passen."

Naar aanleiding van de eerste oproep voor het LIFE+-programma heeft de Commissie meer dan 700 voorstellen ontvangen van openbare of particuliere instanties in de 27 EU lidstaten, waarvan er 143 zijn geselecteerd voor medefinanciering via de drie componenten van het nieuwe programma: LIFE+ Natuur en Biodiversiteit, LIFE+ Milieubeleid en Governance en LIFE+ Informatie en Communicatie.

Projecten voor LIFE+ Natuur en Biodiversiteit moeten zorgen voor een betere instandhouding van bedreigde diersoorten en habitats. Van de 264 ontvangen voorstellen heeft de Commissie er 58 geselecteerd, die in 21 lidstaten gefinancierd zullen worden door partnerschappen van milieubeschermingsorganisaties, overheidsinstanties en andere partijen. De totale investering ervoor bedraagt 165 miljoen euro, waarvan de EU 94 miljoen euro zal verstrekken. In meerderheid gaat het om natuurprojecten (54) die bijdragen aan de tenuitvoerlegging van de vogel- en/of de habitatrichtlijn en het Natura 2000-netwerk . De overige vier vallen zijn biodiversiteitprojecten, een nieuwe categorie LIFE+-projecten voor proefactiviteiten waarmee bredere biodiversiteitkwesties worden aangepakt .

Projecten voor LIFE+ Milieubeleid en Governance zijn proefprojecten die bijdragen aan de ontwikkeling van innovatieve beleidsideeën, technologieën, methoden en instrumenten. Van de 325 ontvangen voorstellen heeft de Commissie er 74 geselecteerd, die gefinancierd zullen worden door een brede waaier van organisaties uit de openbare en particuliere sector. De geselecteerde projecten worden uitgevoerd in 21 lidstaten en de totale investering ervoor bedraagt 185 miljoen euro, waarvan de EU 84 miljoen euro zal verstrekken. Het grootste deel van de EU financiering (ongeveer 26 miljoen euro) gaat naar projecten die betrekking hebben op afval en natuurlijke hulpbronnen (29 projecten). Klimaatverandering is met 22 projecten het tweede prioriteitsgebied waar de meeste aandacht naar uitgaat (ongeveer 24 miljoen euro). 24 andere projecten betreffen uiteenlopende onderwerpen zoals water, stadsmilieu, bodem, geluidshinder, bossen, chemicaliën, lucht en milieu en gezondheid.

Projecten voor LIFE Informatie en Communicatie zorgen voor informatieverspreiding, brengen milieukwesties onder de aandacht en zorgen voor opleiding en voorlichting om bosbranden te voorkomen. Van de 118 ontvangen voorstellen heeft de Commissie er 11 geselecteerd die door diverse natuur- en milieuorganisaties uit de openbare en particuliere sector zullen worden gefinancierd. Deze projecten lopen in Spanje, Frankrijk, Finland, Italië, Malta, Zweden en het Verenigd Koninkrijk en de totale investering ervoor bedraagt 16 miljoen euro, waarvan de EU 8 miljoen euro zal verstrekken.

Het LIFE+-programma

LIFE+ is een nieuw Europees financieel instrument voor het milieu met een budget van in totaal 2143 miljoen euro (twee miljoen honderddrieënveertig duizend euro) voor de periode 2007-2013. Gedurende de looptijd van het programma publiceert de Commissie eenmaal per jaar een oproep om voorstellen in te dienen voor LIFE+-projecten.

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Overzicht van de LIFE+-projecten 2008 per land

Annex : Overview of 2008 LIFE+ projects by country

The project acronym is indicated followed by the name of the beneficiary in brackets

Austria - 4 projects

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance

CMA+ (City of Klagenfurt): This project aims to improve the air quality in the Austrian cities of Klagenfurt and Lienz, and in Bruneck in the Italian Tyrol. Liquid calcium-magnesium acetate will be used as a dust-binder to reduce particulate matter (and additionally as a de-icing agent in winter times). This project builds on the results of a previous international LIFE project.

EnBa (Ressourcen Management Agentur): The aim of EnBa is to develop a concept, specifications and management criteria for the sustainable use of demolition waste, which in terms of volume is the most important waste stream in the EU. The project will involve all relevant stakeholders to ensure a wide implementation of its results.

LIFE+ Nature

Mostviertel- Wachau (Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung Abteilung Wasserbau): This is a river restoration project targeting the improvement of river habitats and threatened fish species in three Natura 2000 network sites along the Danube River and the rivers Pielach and Ybbs. It complements five other LIFE Nature projects along the Danube in Austria.

Traisen (Verbund- Austrian Hydro Power AG): Located on the river Traisen and within the Tullnerfelder Donau-Auen Natura 2000 site, the country's largest alluvial forest, the project targets an improvement in the conservation status of river habitats. The main focus will be on the creation of a new and dynamic river bed connecting to the surrounding floodplain, with the establishment of large-scale flooding zones as a basis for the restoration of habitats for priority fish species and for the conservation of alluvial forests.

Belgium - 7 projects

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance

BACad (Punch Metals): The main objective of the project is to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of a full-scale `bioaugmentation' for the cost-efficient remediation of a large contaminated groundwater body with chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons (CAH). By adding laboratory pre-grown CAH-degrading microbial cultures, the project expects to achieve a 50% reduction in groundwater contamination over five years and 80% over ten years, as well as a 50% reduction in remediation costs and time.

MénaVal+ (Intercommunale pour le développement économique durable du Luxembourg belge scrl): This project aims to produce a high-quality substitution fuel (Refuse Derived Fuel) from municipal waste and to implement a new industrial scheme of energy recovery using high enthalpy heat. A maximum valorisation of the residual stream of collected municipal waste is expected, thereby reducing by more than 50% the weight of disposed waste.

WALPHY (Ministère de la Région wallonne): This project will develop a structured approach to improving hydromorphological quality and obtaining `good ecological status' for the upstream Meuse basin. This includes the development of a methodology for the identification of the most relevant hydromorphological rehabilitation actions, experimental and demonstrative river restoration works, geomorphological and ecological monitoring, the improvement of ecological quality indicators along restored sectors, and removing obstacles and/or installing passes for fish and invertebrates.

WEEELABEX (Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment Forum): This project will develop a common and harmonised set of standards for processing e-waste in an environmentally safe manner and in compliance with EU legislation. The aim is to create a "WEEE label of excellence" for environmental standards throughout the recycling process of all e-waste processing companies.

LIFE+ Nature

Vlaams veldgebied (Natuurpunt Beheer vz): The restoration of Atlantic heathland habitats of Flanders is the main focus of this project, as well as the restoration of oak woodland-habitats (Atlantic acidophilous beech-oak forests and oak woods on sandy plains). Sustainable grazing management will be established for these habitats.

PAPILLONS (Réserves Naturelles RNOB): The overall objective is to restore the meadow habitats across 25 Natura 2000 sites in the Walloon region in order to improve the conservation status of three threatened butterfly species: the marsh fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia), the violet copper (Lycaena helle) and the large copper (Lycaena dispar).

Hélianthème (Réserves Naturelles RNOB): This project aims to restore to a favourable conservation status the dry calcareous and rock grasslands of the lower and middle valleys of the Meuse basin. The project's actions will take place on 23 Natura 2000 sites, and include scrub and tree removal/control, restoration mowing and the control of invasive exotic species.

Bulgaria - 1 project

LIFE+ Nature

BSPB LIFE+ Save the Raptors (Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds): This project will target the conservation of the imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca) and Saker falcon (Falco cherrug) within key Bulgarian Natura 2000 sites. The project aims to reduce the direct and indirect threats to both of these endangered species by actions to improve nesting conditions and food supply and the implementation of species conservation and management plans for the sites.

Cyprus - 1 project

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance

R.E.P.T- Recycling Environmental Policy Too (Ministry of Interior): This project aims to facilitate the implementation of the Packaging & Packaging Waste and WEEE Directives by the development of a decision support tool (DST) that will allow national authorities to calculate the environmental and financial cost of the implementation of the Directives and find alternative ways to implement them.

Denmark - 2 projects

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance

Roof Recycling (Karsten Rasmussen Holding Thisted A/S): This project aims to demonstrate that recycling of bitumen felt roofing material (bituminous membranes) is an economical and environmentally viable alternative to land filling or incineration. The system will be based on the collection and processing of at least 1 000 tonnes of material, to be subsequently used in road construction.

LIFE+ Nature

REFLOW (Danish Forest and Nature Agency): The project aims to maintain and restore to a favourable conservation status selected habitat types and species in the four Natura 2000 sites within the Mølleåen river ecosystem. The main focus will include works to re-establish the natural water flow level of the river ecosystem.

Estonia - 2 projects

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance

BaltActHaz (MTÜ Balti Keskkonnafoorum): This transnational project is supported by the Environment Ministries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. It aims to reduce priority hazardous substances discharged from industrial and municipal point sources by supporting the Baltic States in implementing the EU Water Framework, IPPC and Marine Directives, as well as the new HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan.

LIFE+ Nature

HAPPYFISH (Eesti Loodushoiu Keskus): The project aims to restore to a favourable conservation status the habitats for endangered freshwater fish species, including the asp (Aspius aspius), the spined loach (Gobitis taenia), the weather loach (Misgurnus fossilis), and the bullhead (Cottus gobio). The project is located within the Alam-Pedja Natura 2000 site.

Finland - 6 projects

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance

SNOWCARBO (Ilmatieteen laitos): This project will demonstrate an innovative approach to net carbon balance mapping for northern latitudes in order to assess the real levels of carbon sinks and sources for future climate controlling treaties and policy making. The approach is based on a combination of different information sources describing snow evolution, phenology, land cover, and CO2 fluxes and concentrations.

CHAMP (Union of the Baltic Cities): This project seeks to contribute to fulfilling EU environmental and climate change commitments, legislation and targets in a cost-effective way by supporting local and sub-regional authorities through a competence development package on Integrated Management Systems.

VACCIA (Suomen ympäristökeskus): This project will develop a vulnerability assessment of ecosystem services for climate change impacts and adaptation. Expected results include scenario development and derivation, database development, development and documentation of tools for vulnerability assessment (i.e. provision of GMES services based on satellite data), and inventories of adaptation measures.

Julia 2030 (The Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council): This project will demonstrate and verify the positive impact of CO2 calculators in terms of increasing the knowledge and awareness of different stakeholders involved in the mitigation and adaptation to climate change in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. The project will cover the following areas: public procurement, use of public premises, transport and waste management.

LIFE+ Information and Communication

CCCRP (Ilmatieteen Laitos): The project aims to raise the awareness of global climate change and its implications for Finland. Key objectives include the development of a web portal to guide users to a number of tools (`wizards'), designed to address different aspects of climate change. The basics of climate change will also be explained using e-learning methods.

LIFE+ Nature

FINMARINET (Suomen ympäristökeskus): This project will contribute to the ongoing assessment of the main marine Natura 2000 network sites within Finnish territorial waters and the Finnish EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone), including areas suitable for the expansion of the network. The project's main goal is to produce cartographic images (thematic maps of the habitats and key species, spatial assessments) to be used in the preparation of an inventory of the marine habitats of the Habitats Directive.

France - 8 projects

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance

SEMEAU (Groupe Danone - Société des Eaux de VOLVIC): This project will develop, test and disseminate a method for `total water body modelling', based on a digital model, to apply the Water Framework Directive. In particular, the project aims to preserve treatment-free drinking water quality in water bodies that are under threat from diffuse `low-noise' degradation.

DECIBELL (Carbone Lorraine Composants): This project aims to reduce rail noise by demonstrating the use of efficient, low-noise, safe and economically viable brake systems in the form of an LL brake shoe. This will support efforts to achieve a modal shift from road to rail.

Green Pellets (Association d'Initiatives Locales pour l'Energie et l'Environnement): The aim of this project is to demonstrate new herbaceous energy crops as a source of solid biomass and as an effective, sustainable and eco-friendly source of bioenergy.

HotOxyGlass (AGC France S.A.S): This project targets the validation of an innovative environment-friendly flat glass production process. It aims to maximise the re-use of heat generated in the production of flat glass, to reduce energy consumption by 25% (a yearly energy saving of 87 600 MWh for a pilot furnace), as well as to reduce specific emissions: 15% for carbon dioxide (CO2), 83% for nitrous oxides (NOX) and 34.5% for sulphur oxides (SOX).

MAPEOS (ECO-Emballages S.A): In order to test its transferability, an existing decision-making tool on household waste collection, management and optimisation (MAPEOS), focussing on the improvement of collection routes, will be applied in two pilot sites, one in Sofia, Bulgaria and and one in Oporto, Portugal. Reductions in household waste collection costs of 15% and CO2 emissions of 10% are envisaged.

LIFE+ Information and Communication projects

EWWR (Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie): This transnational project (involving France, Belgium, Portugal and Spain) aims to reduce the amount of municipal waste generated in Europe by involving all players concerned in a number of awareness raising programmes.

LIFE+ Nature

LAG'Nature (Conservatoire des Espaces Naturels du Languedoc-Roussillon): The project aims to restore a network of lagoon and dune habitat sites within Natura 2000 sites on the Mediterranean coastline of Languedoc-Roussillon. Actions will include the restoration of hydrological networks, dune restoration, the elimination of invasive alien species, the sustainable management of human activities, notably tourism, and the production of technical publications.

LIFE+ Biodiversity

COREXERUN (Parc National de la Réunion): This project is located in the French overseas region of Réunion which, while not covered by the EU nature conservation directives, can nevertheless benefit from LIFE+ Biodiversity funding. The project aims to restore and preserve approximately 30 ha of semi-xerophilous (semi-dry) habitats by eliminating invasive plant species and reducing human pressures (from poaching, fires, grazing). It aims to completely reconstitute a further 9 ha of these rare and remarkable habitats which now cover only 1% of their original area in Réunion.

Germany - 11 projects

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance

FutMon (Bundesforschungsanstalt für Forst- und Holzwirtschaft): This international project will be carried out by 38 partners from 24 EU Member States. It aims to establish a pan-European forest monitoring system with increased harmonisation and effectiveness, and which can provide policy relevant information on forests in Europe.

PROGRASS (University of Kassel): This project aims to demonstrate a technological- and process-orientated approach to producing bio-energy (electricity and solid fuel) from extensive grassland in European Natura 2000 sites. It will demonstrate the technical feasibility and utility of the approach for sustainable grassland biotope protection and the socio-economic development of disadvantaged and marginalised rural regions.

Capital of Biodiversity (Deutsche Umwelthilfe): This project aims to increase nature and biodiversity protection in urban areas by local authorities. It will focus on organising a competition "Capital of Nature and Biodiversity" and the elaboration of a concept for a European Award.

ECOSMA (Coastal Research and Management GbR): This project will facilitate the production and marketing of ecological mariculture products by implementing a practical process for the ecological certification of products from sustainable marine aquaculture.

Best4VarioUse (Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.): This project aims to produce raw materials for energy and material utilisation chains from forestry, landscape and agriculture wastes and residues. It will determine and evaluate best practices and technologies in the field to develop economically and ecologically efficient material flows.

LIFE+ Nature

Steppenrasen Thüringens (Thüringer Ministerium für Landwirtschaft, Naturschutz und Umwelt): The project targets the conservation and development of the steppe grasslands in Thuringia.

Bachtäler im Arnsberger Wald (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Biologischer Umweltschutz im Kreis Soest e.V.): This project will focus on the restoration of the natural habitats in the streams and stream valleys of the Arnsberger Wald area within the Nordsauerländer uplands, (between the Möhne river and reservoir to the north, and the Ruhr valley to the south).

DONAUKEH (Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz): The project will target the restoration, improvement and expansion of the semi-natural habitats of the Natura 2000 areas of the Danube River in the County of Kelheim (between Neustadt and Bad Abbach).

Limosa-habitat Hetter (NABU Naturschutzstation e.V.): The project aims to increase breeding bird populations and bring about the return of breeding meadow birds in the NSG Hetter-Millinger Bruch Natura 2000 site. The black-tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa) has been chosen as a target species for habitat improvement actions.

ReHa Federseemoor (Regierungspräsidium Tübingen): The project will restore the habitats of the Federsee bog situated in the district of Biberach in Baden-Württemberg. Covering an area of 2 920 ha, the area is home to a number of habitats of special conservation value, including alkaline fens, raised bogs suitable for restoration, transition mires and bog woodland, and also to large populations of rare animal and plant species such as the mud loach (Misgurnus fossilis), the spined loach (Cobitis taenia), the narrow-mouthed whorl snail (Vertigo angustior) and the marsh fritillary butterfly (Euphydryas aurinia).

Vogelschutz im Albvorland (Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart): The project will target the protection of endangered birds of the traditional orchards of the central Swabian Alb foothills and the central valley of the Rems River, including the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis), the Eurasian wryneck, (Lutra lutra), the woodchat shrike (Lanius senator) and the grey-headed woodpecker (Picus canus).

Greece - 10 projects

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance

RECYCLING-SYMPRAXIS (Development Association of Local Authorities of Halkidiki S.A): The main focus of the project is to study, develop and implement at pilot level, advanced waste prevention, recovery and recycling schemes for mass tourism regions, driven by local/regional incentive-based public-private partnerships.

EcoPest (Benaki Phytopathological Institute): This project will target the development, application and demonstration of an economically viable strategic plan that focuses on the minimisation of hazards and risks from agricultural inputs in a vulnerable ecosystem, the Viotikos Kiffisos basin.

HEC PAYT (Municipality of Elefsina): The aim of the project is to develop "Pay As You Throw" systems in Greece, Estonia and Cyprus. By demonstrating PAYT on a pilot scale in 600 households in a Greek municipality, it is expected that at least 20% of waste will be diverted from landfill, 20% packaging waste recycled, 4kg of WEEE per participating person managed alternatively, and 20% of organic waste will be composted. On this basis, the best PAYT model for these countries will be determined.

Soil Sustainability (So.S.) (Development Agency of Eastern Thessaloniki s.a.): Following the EU's Soil strategy, the project will promote sustainable soil management in Greece at basin level. It foresees the drawing up of a Soil Action Plan using innovative management tools and the implementation of four pilot projects (on erosion in mountainous areas, agriculture-related soil degradation, soil contamination and soil sealing).

PROSODOL (National Agricultural Research Foundation): This project aims to protect soil and water quality from olive oil mill wastes in the Mediterranean region. It will develop and disseminate innovative, environment friendly, low-cost technologies, establish a knowledge-base system and a monitoring system, and establish an integrated management plan.

CLIM-LOCAL2020 (Municipality of Volos): This project will implement climate change mitigation actions at local level. Measures foreseen include a local greenhouse gases emissions inventory, the identification of emissions reduction options, and the development of a cost-benefit analysis tool and a Local Action Plan.

LIFE+ Nature

ConShagAudMIBAGR (Hellenic Ornithological Society): The project aims to implement conservation actions in 17 Greek SPAs (designated special areas of protection under the Birds Directive for the conservation of wild birds) for the protection of the endangered Mediterranean shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii) and Audouin's gull (Larus audouinii).

PINUS (The Goulandris Natural History Museum/ Greek Biotope Wetland Centre): The project aims to restore 290 ha of the priority habitat type "Mediterranean pine forests with endemic black pine (Pinus nigra)" of Mount Parnonas.

PINDOS/GREVENA (Nomarhiakh Autodioikisi Grevenon): The project will focus on conservation actions for the brown bear (Ursus arctos) in the northern Pindos in Grevena, and the improvement of 60 ha of the priority forest habitat type "sub-Mediterranean pine forests with endemic black pines".

JUNICOAST (International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies/Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania): The project will target the conservation of the rare and priority habitat "coastal dunes with Juniperus spp." in Crete and the South Aegean - listed as priority for conservation in Annex 1 of the Habitats Directive.

Hungary - 4 projects

LIFE+ Nature

DANUBEISLANDFORESTS (WWF Világ Természeti Alap Magyarország Alapitvány): The project aims to provide a long-term, sustainable method for the conservation of willow (Salicion albae) alluvial forests (a priority habitat) on the Szabadság Island and Béda-Karapancsa side channel. Key objectives include clearing the project area from invasive species and non-native tree plantations, and restoring the sound water flow in the side channel in order to improve water availability for riparian forests during low water periods.

Eastern Bakony (Ministry of Defence Insfrastructure Agency): The project will manage Natura 2000 sites in Eastern Bakony and restore the area's natural habitats, which have been damaged by past military activity and neglect.

CONVIPURSRAK (Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület): The project will carry out grassland conservation actions to aid the Hungarian meadow viper (Vipera ursinii rakosiensis) in the Carpathian basin. Strong emphasis will be placed on PR activities in order to increase public support and understanding of the need to protect this critically endangered venomous snake.

HORTOBAGY SODIC LAKES (Hortobágy Environmental Association): The project will eliminate various unfavourable processes affecting the Pannonic salt steppe and marsh habitat in the Hortobágy, in order to promote the revival of sodic lakes (ie lakes with a high soda content). It will re-introduce traditional grazing at an ecologically sustainable high level that will favour the long-term conservation of these sodic lakes.

Ireland - 2 projects

LIFE+ Nature

ShannonSACLAEO (The Shannon Regional Fisheries Board): The project's aim is to restore the lower Shannon SAC (special area of conservation) for sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), Atlantic salmon (salmo salar) and European otter (lutra lutra). The project will target, in particular, the control and reversal of the damage caused by two invasive alien species: the giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) and the Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica).

LIFE+ Biodiversity

CAISIE (Central Fisheries Board): The project will target the control of aquatic invasive alien species (IAS) and restoration of natural communities in Lough Corrib, a lake in the west of the Republic of Ireland. The project will also aim to exchange and disseminate information on IAS control methods and progress through links with other European IAS control teams and policy makers.

Italy - 26 projects

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance

LACRe (Provinicia di Livorno): This project aims to develop "Local alliances" of public and private sector bodies committed to contributing to European policy on combating climate change. The alliances will engage local enterprises in adopting a Corporate Social Responsibility approach towards climate change.

NOVEDI (SASIL S.p.A.): This project aims to eliminate the land-filling of glass rejects, which are a great threat to the environment due to their chemical composition. The project will demonstrate the economic feasibility of new technologies to produce glass-based insulation materials with high performance thermal insulation, mechanical strength, fireproof and eco-compatibility.

CARBOMARK (Veneto Region Department for Forests and Mountain Economy): This project aims to promote voluntary local carbon markets as an instrument for strengthening EU climate policies and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Measures include consolidating the knowledge base; the definition of a local market model and implementation on a pilot scale; awareness-raising and dissemination, particularly to integrate forest owners and SMEs as well as sectors not already covered by the European Emission Trading Scheme.

GREEN FOOTPRINT (DOW Italia S.r.l.): The aim of this project is to produce a new, high quality 20-25% bio-based polyurethane (PU) system suitable for footwear applications. It plans to showcase the reduced environmental impact and European potential of the new PU material, as well as the replication potential for the wider chemical and related industry.

RE-WASTE (Industria Olearia Biagio Mataluni S.r.l): This project will demonstrate an innovative and clean technology to dispose of olive mill wastewater. It will include recovering water to be reused within the process, using the effluents as a valuable source of biogas as well as for the economically viable extraction of antioxidant phenolic compounds with high-added value for food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.

MHyBus (Regione Emilia-Romagna): The project aims to reduce the environmental impact of public city passenger transport (in terms of CO2 and air pollutants emissions) through the use of a gaseous fuel blend of up to 20% hydrogen and 80% natural gas (known as hydro-methane). It seeks to implement the first prototype hydro-methane bus and to support the spread of this technology by regional policy measures and by raising the awareness among citizens.

PURIFAST (Tecnotessile Società Nazionale di Ricerca Tecnologica r.l.): This project will show the technical and economic feasibility of an advanced wastewater treatment system, based on ultrafiltration and an innovative AOP process (sonochemical treatment) for industrial effluents and mixed municipal and industrial effluents, especially textile effluents.

LAKS (Comune di Reggio Emilia): The aim of this project is to make local actors more aware of and responsible for local action on climate change. Four cities will commit themselves on a long-term basis to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Ariel (Publiambiente S.p.A.): The project aims to streamline diversion from land filling to recycling of a recoverable quota of materials from the dry fraction of unseparated urban solid waste. A demonstration site will be set up to treat more than 15 000 tonnes of dry fraction, resulting in 1 000 tonnes of well-characterised recovery materials forwarded for recycling.

TRUST (Autorità di bacino dei fiumi Isonzo, Tagliamento, Livenza, Piave, Brenta-Bacchiglione): The aim of this project is to adapt groundwater resources to the impacts of future climate change. It examines the potential of artificial aquifer recharge to increase the underground water stock using excess surface waters.

SALT (Muliservizi SpA): The project aims to define the most appropriate strategy to prevent saltwater intrusion in the lower Esino river valley aquifer. It aims to analyse the trend of salt intrusion in the project area (e.g. with remote monitoring sensing, GIS, river and aquifer models), to simulate salt intrusion impacts of climate change, to define remediation actions, and to develop a tool evaluating the impact of different management options on the quality and quantity water in the aquifer.

ECCELSA (Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento Sant'Anna): The project proposes to raise environmental awareness and performance of SMEs by developing the "cluster" approach to Environmental Management Systems. It aims to develop a methodology that supports the environmental governance and the policy making process within different groupings of SMEs. The creation of local Pilot Groups and the involvement of Regional governments will guarantee the continuity of the processes.

SUSTGREENHOUS (Agenzia Regionale per lo Sviluppo e l'Innovazione dell'Agricoltura del Lazio): This project aims to demonstrate an environmentally friendly, sustainable greenhouse model compatible with nature protection. A "Living Greenhouse" will be created, utilising green technologies to reduce emissions. Expected results include a 10% reduction in CO2 emissions and a 20% effluent discharge reduction.

LIFE+ Information and Communication

GPPINFONET (Amministrazione Provinciale di Cremoni): The Green Public Procurement Information Network is a transnational project (involving Italy, Spain and Belgium). Its main objectives include actions to reduce resource consumption and pollution resulting from public procurement, and the promotion of the implementation of GPP at national and European level.

OWM (Istituto Superiore di Ricerca e Formazione Sui Materiali per le Tecnologie Avanzate - ISRIM Scarl): This is a transnational project (involving Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece). Its primary objective is to raise awareness among the olive industry operators of the environmental issues arising from the careless disposal of olive mill waste.

RACES (Comune di Firenze): This project aims to raise awareness of climate change impact, mitigation and adaptation strategies, particularly related to different Italian urban environments and cultural contexts (north, south, seaside, mountain, etc.). The project will target school teachers, families and local stakeholders, measuring the effects of the campaign on the urban environment.

LIFE+ Nature

PARC (Ente Parco di Montemarcello-Magra): The aim of this project is to restore the fluvial and ecological continuity of the Magra and Vara rivers and to improve the state of conservation of several rare and/or native fish species, including sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), shad (Alosa fallax) South European roach (Rutilus rubilio) and Italian barbel (Barbus plebejus).

MAsCoTTSS (Regione Autonoma della Sardegna): The aim of this project is to implement an urgent protection strategy to safeguard the last small populations of the little bustard (Tetrax tetrax) bird species in Sardinia.

Water SCIs (Provincia di Prato): This project aims to improve the conservation status of SCIs (designated sites of Community importance within the Natura 2000 network) in the high Apennine area and the plains of the Prato province in Tuscany.

ANTIDOTO (Ente Parco nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga): This project will adopt an innovative approach to combating the poisoning of large carnivores and scavenger raptors. The project will establish two anti-poison dog units to patrol the areas of the Gran Sasso National Park and Aragona. Among other tasks, the units will investigate allegations of poisonings of carnivores and of deaths of cattle in suspicious circumstances.

STAR (Comune di Rivignano): This project aims to implement actions to aid the recovery of rare alluvial forests with alder and ash (Alno-Padion, Alnion incanae, Salicion albae) - a priority habitat for conservation under the Habitats Directive.

Pianura parmense (Provincia di Parma): This project will focus on actions for the conservation of bird species of Community interest, notably the red-footed falcon (Falco vespertinus) and lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni), in the six Natura 2000 sites in the lowlands of Parma.

EX-TRA (Ente Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga): This project aims to improve the conservation status of wolves and bears.

AVIFAUNA DEL LAGO SALSO (Oasi Lago Salso s.p.a.): This project aims to carry out wetland conservation actions targeting endangered waterfowl species such as the pygmy cormorant (Phalacrocorax pygmeus), bittern (Botaurus stellaris), ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca) and slender-billed curlew (Numenius tenuirostris). Works will focus on the transformation of 90 ha of agricultural land into Mediterranean salt meadows (Juncetalia maritimi) and the restoration of some 10 ha of open water areas and channels.

PROVIDUNE (Provincia di Cagliari): The project's main aim is the conservation and recovery of endangered coastal dune habitats in the provinces of Cagliari, Caserta, Matera, and Taranto. Notably, the team will apply best practice and target actions to protect one of the EU's most threatened coastal habitats - coastal dunes with Juniperus spp, found in five Natura 2000 sites in Cagliari.

LIFE+ Biodiversity

CENTOLIMED (C.I.H.E.A.M. Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari): This project will focus on the identification, designation and conservation of the ancient olive groves of the Mediterranean region as high nature value farmlands. The project also aims to develop guidelines for the agro-environmental management of these ancient olive groves.

Latvia - 1 project

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance

POLPROP- NATURA (Latvian Country Holiday Association "Lauku Celotajs"): This project will develop proposals for tourism, environmental policy and governance based on demonstrating the environmental, social and economic benefits from tourism in a Natura 2000 site. A sustainable tourism management model will be drawn up, Natura 2000 awareness-raising activities will be carried out and a policy proposal on sustainable tourism for biodiversity in Latvia will be developed.

Lithuania - 2 projects

LIFE+ Nature

WETLIFE (Vsl Gamtos paveldo fondas): The project will focus on restoring the hydrology in the Amalvas and Zuvintas wetlands.

White stork conservation (Asociacijja Lieutuvos ornitology draugija): The project will carry out actions to help to ensure the long-term protection of the white stork (Ciconia ciconia) and its restoration to a favourable conservation status in Lithuania.

Luxembourg - 2 projects

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance

M3 (Centre de Recherche Public): The project will provide the water managers in the three participating regions (the Delfland region, Luxembourg and the Erft river basin) with state-of-the-art means to optimise decision support, planning and monitoring of the efficiency of water basin management measures.

LIFE+ Nature

NATURA 2000-LUXEMBOURG (Syndicat Intercommunal de l'Ouest pour la Conservation de la Nature): The project will protect and restore to favourable conservation status endangered habitats and species in 10 Natura 2000 sites. The actions will target in particular European dry heath, moor grass (Molinia) meadows, lowland hay meadows and various forest habitats - notably Asperulo-Fagetum beech and oak-hornbeam forests.

Malta - 1 project

LIFE+ Information and Communication

STOP-TRAPPING-MALTA (BirdLife Malta): The project will implement awareness raising actions to help ensure that illegal trapping is stopped in Malta. This follows changes in Maltese law, in compliance with its EU accession treaty, making it illegal to trap wild birds in Malta after 31 December 2008.

Netherlands - 2 projects

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance

PHARMAFILTER (Stichting Reinier de Graaf Groep): This project aims to demonstrate an innovative waste and waste water management scheme in a hospital. The Reinier de Graaf hospital and its partners will introduce biodegradable plastic bed pans and other biodegradable disposables; install a collection and milling system for organic waste, biodegradable plastics, human faeces, and wastewater; create a waste digester installation and an energy recovery unit, as well as a wastewater treatment installation based on a membrane bioreactor.

LIFE+ Nature

Sand dynamics in inland dunes (Vereniging Natuurmonumenten): This project will focus on enlarging the area of drifting sands and improving the quality of the Loonse and Drunense inland sand dunes. Works will include the removal of some areas of the surrounding forest, including removing top soil and the establishment of sheep grazing.

Poland - 1 project

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance

Lake recultivation in Gniezno (Town of Gniezno): This project targets lake recultivation in Gniezno by inactivating phosphorus in bottom sediments using coagulants. The aim is to stop the progressive eutrophication of the lakes and related ecological risks, to restructure fish stocks, and to improve the biotope quality, landscape and recreational value of the lakes.

Portugal - 6 projects

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance

BATinLoko (Centro Technologico das Industrias Têxtil e do Vestuàrio de Portugal): The focus of this project is the definition of best environmental performance indicators and goals for the textile sector in Portugal and to analyse their economic effects. The outcomes will be incorporated into a Decision Support IT tool and a manual for companies willing to implement BAT.

ElectroValue (Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade): This project will develop and improve the recycling market for electrical and electronic products through the reuse and recovery of their components. It will support SMEs in the sector in adopting sustainable waste management, materials and process technologies by Life Cycle Analysis and valorisation of the end-of-life of electric and electronic products.

LIFE+ Nature

LAURISSILVA SUSTENTÁVEL (Sociedades Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves): This project will target the recovery, conservation and sustainable management of endangered habitats within the Tronqueira/Planalto dos Graminhais, São Miguel island, and Azores sites of Community importance. The priority habitats targeted include endemic Macaronesian heaths, active raised bogs, and Macaronesian laurel forests (Laurus, Ocotea).

CETACEOSMADEIRA II (Municipio de Machico): The aim of this project is to identify areas of importance for the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in the coastal waters of Madeira, with the aim of establishing marine Nature 2000 sites for this species.

EstepÁrias (Liga para a Protecção da Natureza): This project will focus on conservation measures for the great bustard (Otis tarda), little bustard (Tetrax tetrax) and lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni) in their main Portuguese distribution area - four SPAs (designated special protection areas for wild birds within the Natura 2000 network) located in the Baixo Alentejo pseudo (or cereal)- steppes.

LIFE+ Biodiversity

Safe islands for seabirds (Sociedades Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves): This project will carry out actions to help protect Azores seabirds, including the eradication of introduced rats (Rattus sp.) and other predators from the island of São Miguel and from the Corvo Community Reserve, the removal of invasive alien plants and the restoration of native vegetation on selected sites in Corvo.

Romania - 4 projects

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance

BALKWASTE (Agentia Regionala Pentru Protectia Mediului Bacau): The main objective of the project is to promote and implement EU strategy and policy on solid waste management and establish cooperation and knowledge exchange among the EU Balkan Countries. Romania and Bulgaria will act as case studies, creating new waste management plants and carrying out training in the application of a relevant Decision Support Software Tool.

ECOREG (Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development): This project will demonstrate the industrial symbiosis potential for sustainable development of the Romanian socio-economic system. Based on a tight collaboration strategy, the project aims to reduce natural resource consumption by the partners, reduce the environmental impact related expenses by 20-50% for each partner, and identify and disseminate best practices.

LIFE+ Nature

PMH8310SN2000SCC (Regional Environmental Protection Agency Timisoara): The main focus of the project is the preservation of 11 chiropters (bat) species and the development of best practice for the conservation of their habitats, in particular caves not open to the public.

GREEN BORDERS (Asociatia WWF Programul Duncare Carpati Romania): In close cooperation with Bulgaria, this project will improve the conservation status of the pygmy cormorant (P. pygmeus) and the white-eyed Pochard (A. nyroca) along the Danube river.

Slovakia - 1 project

LIFE+ Nature

Danube birds conservation (Regional Association for Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development): This project targets the conservation of endangered bird species populations in their natural habitats within the Dunajské luhy and Szigetköz SPAs (designated special protection areas under the Birds Directive) of the Danube Inland Delta. Among the many species targeted are the kingfisher (Alcedo atthis), garganey (Anas querquedula), gadwall (A. strepera), purple heron (Ardea purpurea), short-eared owl (Asio flammeus), ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca), black stork (Ciconia nigra), marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus), Montagu's harrier (C. pygargus), and the black woodpecker (Dryocopus martius).

Slovenia - 2 projects

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance

UNISASH (Kovinaplastika Loz, Industrija kovinskih in plasticnih izdelkov d.d): The project will develop and disseminate innovative window prototypes, Expected results include a reduction in raw materials of 20-35% per unit, a reduction in CO2 emissions by 10-20% due to a decreased heating requirement, an increase in thermal insulation by 7-12%, an improvement in security to higher resistance, an increase in sound insulation by 5-8%, and a reduction in production costs by 5-15% per unit.

INCOME (Javno podjetje vododod-kanalizacija d.o.o): This project aims to develop an integrated decision-making support system and a programme of activities for the sustainable management of extremely vulnerable groundwater in an alluvial aquifer below a highly urbanised area.

Spain - 23 projects

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance

RECYSHIP (Reciclauto Navarra S.L.): The project aims to achieve environmentally sound and economically feasible dismantling and decontamination of end-of-life ships. Measures include an analysis of relevant EU and national legislation, the development of suitable methodologies for decontamination and dismantling and for creating an integrated management system, capacity and impact studies, as well as the creation of prototypes and their testing.

COWtoPLANT (Zurko Research S.L): This project aims to demonstrate a new technology based on the bio-hydrolysis of two animal wastes: flesh and bovine hair. These wastes will be transformed into organic amendments with direct application in plants as bio-stimulants and bio-pesticides. A prototype will be constructed and the effect of these bio-pesticides tested.

LEGIOTEX (Asociación de Investigación de la Industria Textil): This project aims to reduce and eventually eliminate the Legionella problem in the textile sector. It will develop a Europe-wide legislative proposal, based on the validation and demonstration of a new eradication technique for the Legionella pneumophila bacteria, which will stop it from reaching at-risk facilities.

WGF-PP (Befesa Plásticos S.L.): The aim of the project is to demonstrate a process to recycle glass fibre wastes to be used for producing polypropylene composites for several applications, such as bumpers, mechanical parts inside car doors and air intake manifolds. The environmental impact of glass fibres will be reduced, as well as the related energy and raw material consumption.

EDEA (Junta de Extremadura. Consejería de Fomento): This project's main objective is to develop an efficient methodology for the sustainable and energy-efficient design and building of social housing. By comparing the performance of two newly constructed houses
- a "Pattern house" and an "Experimental house" - the project seeks to test, evaluate and disseminate methodologies and technologies for eliminating CO2 emissions and constituting best practices in the field of Bio-climatic Architecture.

3R-FISH (Centro Tecnológico del Mar. Fundación CETMAR): The project aims to improve the quality of water and the seabed by supporting the proper use and recycling of devices and equipment used in the fishing industry. It foresees the development of a management and recycling system for the three most relevant solid wastes, implementing best practices, and promoting co-operation.

INTEGRAL-B (Asociacíon de Investigacion de la Industria Agroalimentaria): The project will demonstrate a sustainable, multi-feedstock biodiesel production scheme that enables a reduced energy and material input to the system through the use of local raw materials (energy crops and wastes) and the on-site exploitation of process by-products, namely biogas and glycerine.

LIFE+ BOSCOS (Consell Insular de Menorca): The project aims to contribute to the adaptation of the Mediterranean forest ecosystems of Menorca to climate change through sustainable forest management at estate level. This will include the development of a forest inventory and of a set of planning and management guidelines, both feeding into a management plan. Forest management actions aimed to decrease forest vulnerability will be demonstrated in a pilot area of about 200 ha. Capacity building among forest owners, forest managers and other stakeholders related to forests, as well as public awareness raising are also foreseen.

AQUA-PLANN PROJECT (Ayuntamiento de Abegondo): The project seeks to safeguard the current and future ecological state of water in the hydrographic basins of the rivers Mero and Barcés and of the Natura 2000 SCI `Embalse Abegondo-Cecebre' through integrated water resources management.

BIOGRID (Naturgas Energia Distribucion S.A.): This project will demonstrate the feasibility of producing a substitute natural gas (bio-methane) from biogas, for injection into the natural gas grid and use as vehicle fuel. To achieve this goal, coupling biogas production with an innovative biogas upgrading system will be carried out combining biological and cryogenic technologies to capture and store the CO2 in the biogas and to remove other contaminants (SH2, volatiles, moisture, etc).

BATsGRAPH (Asociacíon Industrial de Óptica, Color e Imagen): This project aims to develop a free e-tool for reducing the emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds by SMEs in the European printing industry, according to the Best Available Techniques. On the basis of a Best Practices Guide to be developed, the self-diagnosis e-tool will guide European printers on the optimal implementation of the BATs, thereby helping to minimise the environmental impact of the European graphic industry.

WEEE-NET (Inkoa Sistemas SL): This project aims to demonstrate the viability of an innovative technological platform, based on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), for the sustainable management of waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in compliance with EU policy. The platform will allow producers to incorporate design procedures to ensure greener products.

WATER CHANGE (Centro technologico del Agua): This project aims to establish a methodology and develop tools for medium- and long-term water resource modelling according to different global change scenarios. Based on the results from simulations, adaptation measures will be proposed and analysed according to their cost-benefit ratio. A case study will be carried out in the Llobregat river basin.

BIOCELL (Centro technologico del Agua): This project will demonstrate the feasibility, environmental impact and economic viability of energy production from biogas via fuel cells - both, Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) and Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) - adapted to wastewater treatment plants. It will develop two complete pilot units, as well as the tools for their industrial implementation.

LIFE+ Information and Communication

CHANGING THE CHANGE (Unions Agrarias - UPA): This involves a climate change campaign for the Galician agriculture and forest sector. The project's awareness raising activities will also promote the use of renewable energies in the region's agriculture and forest sector.

SEDUCCIÓN AMBIENTAL (Ayuntamiento de Valencia): The project will develop awareness raising actions to promote the nature and conservation values of l'Albufera Nature Park, a Natura 2000 network site.

LIFE+ Nature

SECANS (Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya): The project will target the conservation of steppe habitats for bird species in central Catalonia.

INDEMARES (Fundación Biodiversida): This project targets the preparation of an inventory and the designation of a complete network of Spanish marine Natura 2000 sites.

BEAR CORRIDORS (Fundación Oso Pardo): The project targets the recovery of the brown bear (Ursus arctos) in the Cantabrian Mountains of Spain.

PrioriMancha (Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Rural de Castilla-La Mancha): The project's overall aim is to support and to improve the conservation status of the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), the Spanish imperial eagle (Aquila adalberti), Bonelli´s eagle (Hieraaetus fasciatus) and the black vulture (Aegypius monachus) in project areas within the region of Castilla-La Mancha.

RENEIX (Consell Insular de Menorca): The project will focus on the restoration of several habitats and species on the island of Minorca that are listed as priority for conservation under the Habitats Directive. Notably the project will target rare Minorcan flora species including Anthyllis hystrix, Femeniasia balearica, Paeonia cambessedesii and Vicia bifoliolata.

INAGUA (Gobierno de Canarias. Dirección General del Medio Natural): The project will focus on the restoration of endemic Macaronesian pine forests of Gran Canaria, which were severely damaged by forest fires, and actions to improve the conservation status of other flora and fauna species threatened by forest fires.

Campanarios de Azaba (Fundación Naturaleza y Hombre): This is a transnational project (involving Spain and Portugal) targeting an overall improvement in biodiversity of the habitats and species of western Iberia. The project area covers the Campo de Azaba and Campo de Argañán (both designated special protection areas and sites of Community importance within the Natura 2000 network of sites), and the Malcata (Portugal) Natura 2000 site (a mainly open Mediterranean woodland ecosystem used intensively for livestock rearing).

Sweden - 8 projects

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance

Glass Fiber (Stena Metall A): The project's main objective will be to develop and demonstrate a microwave pyrolysis method for recycling glass fibre reinforced plastic (mainly from windmill blades), thereby reducing its land filling by 90%.

GreenClimeAdapt (City of Malmö): This project aims to demonstrate climate adaptation in urban areas using innovative green tools such as open storm water systems, green façades and a new type of green roofs, and to thereby play an important role in cooling European cities and avoiding energy consuming air conditioning devices.

CLEANHEAT (Lantmännen Doggy AB): The project aims to demonstrate and evaluate the full-scale industrial application of the CLEANHEAT-process in the pet food industry, based on a combustion technique using a biofuel heated steam boiler.

FEATHERS (Lantmännen Kronfågel AB): This project aims to eliminate CO2 emissions from the combustion process in the food industry by using a fuel mixture of biofuels as well as of feathers and other by-products from poultry slaughterhouses to produce process hot water and steam. CO2 emissions will be reduced by about 1 600 tonnes; the transport of 2 500 tonnes of feathers per year will also be avoided.

TOSCA (Akzo Nobel Surface Chemistry AB): The aim of this project is to support sustainable value chains by formulating a common approach for sustainable business strategic work and daily operations. As a result, the environmental impact of businesses will be reduced.

SUNRISE (M2 Engineering AB): This project will demonstrate and evaluate the functionality and the effectiveness of a highly innovative solar cell production technology. Expected results include significantly lower production costs, increased energy efficiency and more environmentally friendly end products.

LIFE+ Information and Communication

COM-U (Stifelsen Håll Sverige Rent): Communicating environmental actions to young people (schoolchildren and teenagers). The project will develop and implement an awareness raising campaign on EU environmental policy, in particular the 6th EAP, targeting young people in schools and colleges.

LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity

MIA (Länsstyrelsen i Västmanlands län): The project will produce guidelines for the management and monitoring of habitats and species in 42 Natura 2000 sites located within the Lake Mälaren Inner Archipelago. Located in Svealand, Lake Mälaren is the country's third largest lake.

United Kingdom - 6 projects

LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance

GRACC (Groundwork Sheffield): This project aims to address climate change by increasing the quality of green roofs. Measures foreseen include the establishment of a UK green roof code of best practice and the encouragement of its adoption through a Green Roof Innovation Awards scheme.

PISCES (WWF-UK): The project aims to improve Community marine policy and governance by focusing on the implementation of the ecosystem approach in the Celtic Sea. It will produce new guidelines for effective management developed by key marine stakeholders and in close collaboration with the region's governments.

LIFE+ Information and Communication

RENEW (Energy Saving Trust Limited): The project aims to help to raise consumer awareness on energy and water saving issues. Domestic water saving advice will be combined with domestic sustainable energy saving messages (on energy efficiency, renewables and road transport). Actions will include local awareness raising campaigns, using the Energy Saving Trust's UK Sustainable Energy Network advice infrastructure.

ECO-ANIMATION (Business Solutions Europa Limited): This is a transnational project (involving the UK, Belgium and Italy) to produce and promote animated cartoons to help European children learn more about the environment, sustainability and climate change. The cartoons, aimed at five to eight year olds, will show that small actions (using less water, asking where your food comes from, recycling and reusing, turning off switches, etc...) can improve our quality of life and our future (e.g. less carbon, reduced pollution and waste, a better and more secure supply of water, a better environment to live in, etc...).

LIFE+ Nature

TaCTICS (The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds): The project will tackle climate change-related threats to the North Norfolk Coast SPA (special protection area within the Natura 2000 network) in Eastern England. The project's first objective is to protect vital freshwater habitats from destruction due to coastal erosion and climate-induced increases in sea levels and storminess. The second is to mitigate and compensate for the unavoidable loss to the sea of important brackish marsh habitat in the same area.

Anglesey and Lleyn Fens (Countryside Council for Wales): The project aims to restore to a favourable or recovering condition, 751 ha of alkaline and calcareous fens within the Corsydd Mon a Llyn (Anglesey and lleyn Fens) SACs - special areas of conservation, or sites of Community importance - in Wales.


Richtlijn 79/409/EEG van de Raad van 2 april 1979 inzake het behoud van de vogelstand x_en.htm.

Richtlijn 92/43/EEG van de Raad van 21 mei 1992 inzake de instandhouding van de natuurlijke habitats en de wilde flora en fauna ndex_en.htm

Mededeling van de Commissie COM (2006) 216 def.; "Het biodiversiteitsverlies tegen 2010 - en daarna - tot staan brengen" htm