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7e GOVCERT.NL Symposium
12 september 2008
Op 16 en 17 september 2008 wordt in Rotterdam het zevende GOVCERT.NL Symposium georganiseerd. Informatiebeveiliging, incident response, opsporing en cyber crime zijn thema's die aan de orde komen. De nadruk ligt op duurzame beveiliging, met het thema "How sustainable is your security?". Vele toonaangevende sprekers uit binnen- en buitenland zullen de genodigden de laatste feiten en inzichten geven in tracks met de titels society & sustainability, critical infrastructure, attack trends, monitoring, incident response, law enforcement en practical security. Meer over het symposium vindt u op de symposiumsite

In English:
On 16 and 17 September, GOVCERT.NL will organize the seventh international GOVCERT.NL symposium on information security, incident response and cyber crime. This year the focus is on security in the long run, with the symposium title being "How sustainable is your security?". Many leading speakers from the Netherlands and abroad will provide the invitees with the latest facts and insights in sessions with the titles: society & sustainability, critical infrastructure, attack trends, monitoring, incident response, law enforcement en practical security. To find out more about the symposium check out the symposium website