Aan de vooravond van de 'Dag van het Afrikaanse Kind' (16 juni) roept Unicef de regering van Zimbabwe op om direct alle hulpprogramma's voor de kinderen in het land te laten hervatten. Vorige week moesten verschillende hulporganisaties hun werkzaamheden van de regering staken. Zo'n half miljoen kinderen, waaronder veel wezen, krijgen nu niet de hulp die ze nodig hebben. Doordat partners hun werkzaamheden niet meer kunnen uitvoeren, heeft ook Unicef een hulpprogramma voor wezen moeten stoppen.
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13 June 2008 Nairobi -Geneva - On the eve of the Day of the African Child, UNICEF today expressed its deep concern at the Zimbabwe Government's suspension on NGO workers from reaching the country's most vulnerable children. The UN Children's Fund called for a full and immediate resumption of programmes which are critical for the country's children.
While many countries across the continent prepare for Monday's celebrations for The Day of the African Child, hundreds of thousands of Zimbabwe's most vulnerable children are today being prevented from accessing the care they desperately require.
Last week all NGOs were instructed to
stop their field work in Zimbabwe until further notice. The net effect is as many as 500,000 children are now not receiving the health care, HIV/AIDS support, education assistance and food that they require. Many of these children are orphans.
"Zimbabwe's children cannot endure a winter without support," said UNICEF's Regional Director for Eastern & Southern Africa, Mr Per Engebak. "The level of suffering for these children increases daily."
UNICEF also used the symbolism of Monday's Day of the African Child to vigorously condemn continued violence against children. Zimbabwe's current wave of politically-motivated violence has resulted in the destruction of thousands of people's homes, thousands of children not returning to school after the 29 April restart of classes, and scores of children beaten, some as young as two years old. It has seen children turned away from schools, and in some cases schools used as centres of torture. In one interview with UNICEF staff, a 10-year-old boy recounted: "They started beating me, others were kicking me in the ribs. One of them continuously beat me with a big stick on my head. After beating me they held me down and used plastic to burn my chest."
UNICEF's Regional Director for Eastern & Southern Africa, Mr Engebak: "This appalling violence damages children, their potential, and Zimbabwe as a whole. It must stop and it must stop now. All authorities have a legal obligation to protect children; and as a signatory to the Convention on the Rights of the Child there is an international obligation."
The United Nations
Children's Fund (UNICEF) has programmes for children in Zimbabwe in HIV/AIDS, health and nutrition, child protection, education, water & sanitation, and child rights. As of last week one UNICEF orphan programme - reaching 185,000 orphans through 25 NGOs - no longer operates.
"The frustration is that
we know the needs of Zimbabwe's children and the grandmothers and extended families who do all they can to provide for them - and we have excellent programmes to assist them. But today these programmes serve no one because of the current suspension of NGOs."
Notes on UNICEF in
In 2007 the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) responded to Zimbabwe's crisis by reaching more than 2.5 million Zimbabwean children and women with programmes in HIV, health and nutrition, child protection, education, water & sanitation, and child rights.