Toptalenten mogen eigen promotie invullen
12 mei 2008
De Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) heeft
48 laatstejaars studenten en recent afgestudeerden van twaalf
universiteiten een Toptalent-subsidie toegekend. Met deze subsidie
kunnen de aanstaande wetenschappers hun eigen creatieve
onderzoeksideeën vormgeven in een vierjarig promotieonderzoek. De
subsidie bedraagt maximaal 180.000 euro.
De Colleges van Bestuur van de 13 Nederlandse universiteiten en van de
Open Universiteit Nederland maakten eerst een interne selectie van
jong, creatief talent. De universiteiten dienden voor de 127
geselecteerde kandidaten een aanvraag in bij NWO. Daaruit koos NWO via
een interviewronde de beste 48 aanvragen.
Ongeveer de helft van de toegekende projecten zal worden uitgevoerd
door een vrouwelijk kandidaat. De succesvolle kandidaten kunnen direct
aansluitend op het afstuderen met hun eigen promotieonderzoek aan de
slag gaan.
Toptalent is een initiatief om promoveren aantrekkelijker te maken.
Het prestigieuze programma geeft ruimte aan jong creatief talent om
hun promotietraject zelf in te vullen. Toptalent is opgezet door NWO
in overleg met de VSNU. Er zijn twee rondes gehouden, één in 2007 en
één in 2008.
Hieronder volgt een alfabetische lijst met de gehonoreerden en een
indicatieve titel van het onderzoeksproject.
Nadere informatie over de onderzoekers (onder andere contactgegevens)
is te verkrijgen via:
* NWO, afdeling Voorlichting en Communicatie
* t: +31 (0)70 344 0713,
Nadere informatie over het beleid achter Toptalent is te verkrijgen
* Nick den Hollander (NWO, afdeling Beleidsontwikkeling en
* t: +31 (0)70 344 0638,
Lijst van gehonoreerden op alfabetische volgorde.
Scepticism and the rise of modern philosophy: A comparison of
Late-Medieval and Early-Modern Epistemology
H.T. (Han Thomas) Adriaenssen BA (m) Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Many philosophers believe that sceptical questions about the limits of
knowledge have shaped modern philosophy from Descartes onward. We
find, however, similar debates in late-medieval scholasticism.
Comparing the debates leads to a different view on the origin of
modern philosophy.
Esotericism and scientific naturalism in the 20th century: Dialogue
and polemics
E. (Egil) Asprem (m) Universiteit van Amsterdam
This proposal looks at the interface between scientific naturalism and
esoteric/occult currents in the early 20th century. The historical
focal points are on the history of the Society for Psychical Research,
the emergence of sceptical literature dedicated to debunking
paranormal claims, and esotericists? positioning towards/against
Effects of stress on associative memory
V.A. (Vanessa) van Ast BSc (v) Universiteit van Amsterdam
The differential influences of stress on associative memory and its
neurological underpinnings have not yet been thoroughly investigated,
despite its tremendous relevance for memory functioning in general,
and anxiety disorders in specific.
From phage display to dendrimer display: a modular approach towards
directed targeting
M.M.C. (Maartje) Bastings BSc (v) Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Multivalency dominates high affinity interactions in nature, with the
M13 phage as excellent example. Using a modular approach, a
supramolecular box of blocks to assemble synthetic phage mimics is
proposed, which will find use in targeted nano-medicine and as
Unsupervised learning of cue weighting in phoneme perception: human
and computer learners
A.T. (Titia) Benders BA (v) Universiteit van Amsterdam
Empirical research investigates whether babies and adults are able to
integrate and weight cues during unsupervised learning of phoneme
categories and the influence of several factors on this. Computer
models learn from language input, provide predictions and explain the
underlying cognitive processes.
The phonological representation of affricates: a cross-linguistic
J.K.M. (Janine) Berns (v) Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
The proper mental or phonological representation of affricates is
still poorly understood. In order to fill this gap, this project
carries out two complementary investigations: a typological research
and a specific corpus based approach of affricates and affrication
Scaphoid fractures
Drs. G.A. (Geert) Buijze (m) Academisch Medisch Centrum
Fractures of the scaphoid bone are common, especially in young, active
adults, and consist of 2-7% of all fractures. Each year in the
Netherlands, carpal fractures are suspected in 24.000 cases. Of all
carpal fractures in the Netherlands 90% is a scaphoid fracture. The
scaphoid bone has a pivotal role in the functioning of the wrist and
deformities can, therefore, lead to serious impairment. The current
issues in scaphoid injury are delayed treatment, overtreatment and
inadequate treatment.
Direct visualization of homology search and strand invasion in
homologous repair
A. (Andrea) Candelli (m) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Homologous repair is an essential mechanism responsible for repairing
double-stranded breaks in DNA. How homologous sequences are found and
invaded remains unresolved. I propose a novel approach to visualize
this central event of repair at the single-molecule level, in
Sequential learning in typically developing children and children
at-risk for developmental dyslexia
Drs. D.J.H. (Desiree) Capel (v) Universiteit Utrecht
This project aims at investigating in a longitudinal study of young
children (i) possible correlations between sequential learning in
language acquisition and in perceptual/motor domains and (ii) possible
impairment(s) of a general sequential learning system that would
underlie developmental dyslexia.
Eco-tourism, sustainable development, and survival skills amongst the
Darkhad of Northwest Mongolia
R. (Richard) Fraser BA (m) Universiteit Leiden
Environmentalism and sustainable development have stimulated interest
in Traditional Environmental Knowledge (TEK), which the United Nations
has declared part of indigenous peoples' intangible cultural heritage.
Yet conservation and eco-tourism threaten TEK-dependant survival
skills, particularly amongst nomads such as Mongolia's Darkhad.
Facing anxiety: an innovative transdiagnostic approach to etiology and
F.J. (Femke) Gazendam BSc (v) Universiteit van Amsterdam
Anxiety disorders exert great personal suffering and societal cost.
Relapse rates and co-morbidity suggest that current treatments are too
narrowly focused. The present proposal puts an innovative
transdiagnostic approach to the experimental test of the etiology and
treatment of anxiety.
C2-domain proteins in movement disorders and neurotransmitter release
A. (Asiya) Giniatullina (v) VU Medisch Centrum Amsterdam
Neurotransmission requires C2-domain proteins and mutations herein can
cause diseases of the nervous system (deafness, muscular dystrophy).
This project will study a recently found mutation in the movement
disorder PKD and elucidate with novel biophysical tools how C2-domains
control neurotransmission.
Brain systems of visual consciousness: functional relevance and
T.A. (Tom) de Graaf (m) Universiteit Maastricht
What happens in our brains when we become conscious of something? By
tracking and manipulating neural activity with a unique combination of
methods, this project will find out more about the location,
connectivity, and functional relevance of conscious brain systems.
Origin of synaptic democracy: the role of neuronal morphology in
synaptic scaling
M.R. (Martine) Groen BSc (v) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Synaptic plasticity is the basis of learning and memory. Along
hippocampal neurons, synaptic strengths are democratic: all synapses
have the same impact on the cell?s activity. This project investigates
the mechanisms of synaptic democracy using computational modeling and
two-photon imaging.
Rheological behaviour and slip stability of megathrust earthquake
S.A.M. (Sabine) den Hartog BSc (v) Universiteit Utrecht
This proposal addresses aspects of the mechanical behaviour of
subduction zone faults, key in controlling the onset of seismic slip,
earthquake recurrence intervals and slow fault creep. The approach
adopted will involve experiments plus microphysical modelling.
Plasmonics as the interconnect between solid state quantum systems and
quantum optics
R.W. (Reinier) Heeres (m) Technische Universiteit Delft
The goal is studying plasmons in metallic nanostructures; key for
coupling electronic quantum systems with optics. Efficient generation
of single photons on demand will be realized using nanowires. It is an
investigative study of applications like a singel-photon transistor.
When we cannot forget: Probing the mechanistic underpinnings of
stress-related memories
M.J.A.G. (Marloes) Henckens BSc (v) Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Stressful experiences are better remembered than neutral ones. Here I
propose to study how corticosteroids affect memory formation by
uniquely integrating two experimental levels: The single-neuron level
applying electrophysiology and the human brain-system level using
Targeting the group? A social network perspective on bullying
G. (Gijs) Huitsing BSc (m) Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Bullying in school classes can be seen as a group process. This
project will examine bullying using models for social network
analysis, analyzing two existing datasets and collecting new
multi-wave social network data aimed at contributing to group-directed
anti-bullying interventions.
The role of tumor-initiating cells in cancer metastasis and drug
J.E. (Janneke) Jaspers BSc (v) Universiteit Utrecht
In this project we will use a conditional mouse model of metastatic
breast cancer to study the role of tumor-initiating cells (TICs) in
mammary tumorigenesis, metastasis formation and drug resistance.
Thereby we will investigate potential strategies to target the TICs.
Multi-agent learning in auctions: the design and analysis of markets
and traders
M. (Michael) Kaisers (m) Universiteit Maastricht
This project investigates how machine learning techniques can help to
analyze and improve markets and trading strategies within the domain
of auctions. This empirical approach allows new insights into
auctions, which grow in importance in resource allocation problems and
The molecular complexity of star and planet formation
M. (Mihkel) Kama (m) Universiteit van Amsterdam
We will obtain the most complete and sensitive inventory ever of
molecular species near certain young stars. A thorough study of the
evolution of molecular complexity during star formation will be
conducted, and applied to explore the chemical diversity seen in the
Solar System.
Culturele identiteit in de Byzantijnse diasporaliteratuur van Italië,
H. (Han) Lamers BA (m) Universiteit Leiden
Dit onderzoek beoogt de strategieën in kaart te brengen waarmee
Byzantijnse vluchtelingen op Italiaanse bodem een distinctieve
culturele identiteit construeerden in hun poging om zich via de
literatuur overtuigend te positioneren in de complexe
sociaal-culturele situatie van hun migratie.
Defining Jewishness and Christian identity in Claudian-Neronian Rome:
Impacts of state intervention
B.E.A.L. (Birgit) van der Lans BA (v) Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
This research examines the role of the Roman state in Jewish and
Christian self-definitions under Claudius and Nero by relating Paul's
letter to the Romans to the historical context of its addressees in a
situation of migration and return.
The glass transition in a new colloidal model system with long-range
M.N. (Marjolein) van der Linden (v) Universiteit Utrecht
This proposal aims at investigating the glass transition in colloidal
suspensions with long-range repulsive interactions through the
combined use of confocal microscopy and computer simulations.
Parameters that will be studied include the interparticle potential,
compression speed, polydispersity and gravity.
Global transcription factor complexes: their composition and
contribution towards genome-wide regulatory circuitry
T.L. (Tineke) Lenstra BSc (v) Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht
Understanding gene expression genome-wide is pivotal for understanding
how our cells work in health or disease. This project will investigate
the subunit composition and function of evolutionarily conserved
protein complexes that play key roles in regulating gene expression.
Social change and spatial re-division: understanding China´s new urban
B.L. (Brenda) Madrazo Gonzales (v) Universiteit Utrecht
Chinese cities´socio-spatial structure is being re-divided and
re-defined. This research examines the processes accounting for the
reciprocal relation between society and space in Nanjing and Wuhan to
develop essential knowledge to inform theory, policy and practice at a
critical time.
Structural insights into two pathways for repair of UV-damaged DNA
E.M. (Elisabeth) Meulenbroek (v) Universiteit Leiden
We wish to understand how ultraviolet-induced DNA-damage is recognized
and repaired by DNA repair proteins. For this, we intend to determine
the three-dimensional coordinates of a repair protein in complex with
damaged DNA and of two repair proteins from another repair system.
Teeth tell tales. A multi-disciplined approach to past lifestyles and
cultural practices
H.L. (Hayley) Mickleburgh (v) Universiteit Leiden
Past cultural practices, health and lifestyle in the prehistoric
circum-Caribbean region are studied from a multi-disciplined premise
using human dental wear analysis in combination with evidence from
archaeology, ethnohistoric and ethnographic accounts, and modern
Discovering new dimensions in the human auditory cortex with real-life
M. (Michelle) Moerel (v) Universiteit Maastricht
In the human brain, any kind of auditory stimulation elicits multiple
representations, whose number, organization and functional roles
remain unknown. Using natural, ecologically valid sounds and
state-of-the-art analysis methods, this fMRI project will reveal the
organizational principles of human audition.
Self-locomotion, spatial exploration and the development of spatial
O. (Ora) Paz BA (v) Universiteit Utrecht
Inspired by embodiment theory we will explore the dynamic relationship
between the developmental trajectories of self-locomotion, spatial
exploration, spatial cognition and spatial reference language. Spatial
language is expected to emerge from early motor experience and
cognitive development.
Social threat hurts! The influence of the social context on pain
P.A.M. (Pim) Peeters BSc (m) Universiteit Maastricht
The influence of social safety/threat and pain catastrophizing on pain
intensity and painful facial expression of healthy individuals and
chronic pain patients will be investigated using behavioural
experiments and brain imaging techniques. Predictions from two
opposing theories will be compared.
The legal and moral status of jus post bellum
Mr. drs. L. (Lonneke) Peperkamp (v) Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
What is the legal and moral status of jus post bellum? This research
aims to identify and classify principles regulating conduct after war,
based on international law and moral theory, and to provide a set of
`ideal' post war principles.
Novel biomarkers of memory: from model to cognition
S.-S. (Simon-Schlomo) Poil MSc (v) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Brainwaves reflect the activity of the brain, and whether this
activity is abnormal due to a brain disorder. This project aims to
develop novel biomarkers of abnormal brainwaves based on computational
models and experimental measurements from patients with Alzheimer's
Engineering poetry - the process of construction in classical Latin
B.L. (Bettina) Reitz (v) Universiteit Leiden
I will analyse the representation of the building process in Augustan
and Flavian Latin poetry, investigating the texts' engagement with
contemporary building, the relationship between literary criticism and
architectural history, and the metapoetic implications of textual
allusion to construction.
Opening the black box of investor behaviour and managerial
decisionmaking: A neuro-scientific analysis
M.A.M. (Margot) de Rooij MSc (v) Universiteit van Tilburg
To amend the rationality assumptions in economics, I study investor
behaviour and managerial decision-making. Not only do I use empirical
behavioural economics models but also experiments based on prospect
theory as well as the measurement of brain activity employing
Making up your mind: the molecular basis of dopaminergic neuronal
E.R.E. (Ewoud) Schmidt (m) Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht
Neurological disorders such as Parkinson?s disease are characterized
by dramatic changes in dopaminergic neuronal connections. This
multidisciplinary study aims to identify the molecular events
underlying the formation of dopaminergic connections, in relation to
these situations of perturbed connectivity.
Is a sexy life a shorter life?
M.J.P. (Mirre) Simons BSc (m) Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Experimentally elevated testosterone increases immediate reproductive
success, suggesting that long term costs constrain testosterone. I
will examine these costs within the biology of aging to increase our
understanding of sexual investment and aging, using the Three-Spined
Stickleback as a model.
Soft condensed metal: stabilising sophisticated drug delivering
E. (Evan) Spruijt BSc (m) Wageningen Universiteit & Researchcentrum
The proposed research aims at studying interaction forces in
self-assembling polyelectrolyte complexes of block copolymers and
coordination polymers, ranging from micelles to networks. These forces
are necessary to stabilise micelles for future application, including
controlled drug delivering systems.
Gene therapy of Pompe's disease
M. (Merel) Stok BSc (v) Erasmus MC
Directed at a single therapeutic intervention for a-glucosidase
deficiency (Pompe's disease), the project will evaluate efficacy and
safety of lentiviral vector mediated transgenesis of hematopoietic
stem cells as a new paradigm for the treatment of lysosomal enzyme
Photon cutting with Si nanocrystals for smart photovoltaics
D. (Dolf) Timmerman (m) Universiteit van Amsterdam
In my master's project I have observed that a single high energy
photon can generate two excitons in two neighboring Si nanocrystals.
The research objective of this project is to develop comprehensive
understanding of this phenomenon, which promises radical efficiency
enhancement in photovoltaics.
Moral mind-reading
J.P. (Peter) Timmerman (m) Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
This interdisciplinary project assesses the consequences for moral and
political philosophy of Embodied Cognition, a new paradigm within the
cognitive sciences. In particular, it investigates how new insights
about the way intentions and dispositions are perceived affect social
contract theory.
Impact of atmospheric feedbacks on the stability of the Atlantic
thermohaline circulation
M. (Matthijs) den Toom BSc (m) Universiteit Utrecht
This is a proposal to investigate how interactions between ocean and
atmosphere affect the stability of the present climate state. The
project will lead to a better estimate of the probability of a
collapse of the Atlantic Ocean circulation.
Studying molecular switches with graphene-based devices
A. (Alina) Veligura (v) Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
We will use the very recent discovery that graphene conductance can be
manipulated by molecules assembled on its surface. The conical band
structure of graphene, in particular the coexistence of both electron
and hole states in the vicinity of zero energy level, makes graphene
one of the most attractive materials for studying molecular switching
processes. We are confident, that the graphene-based device we
proposed to build will allow us to study thermo- and photochromic
switches down to the ultimate single-molecule level. Moreover, the
charge transport mechanisms themselves are not yet fully understood in
graphene, therefore are worthy of in-depth research within the
proposed project.
Functional analysis of a novel gene inducing hematopoietic stem cell
E. (Evgenia) Verovskaya BSc (v) Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen
A novel protein-encoding gene involved in turnover of hematopoietic
stem cells was recently identified. Preliminary experiments have shown
that this gene is able to perturb the process of blood formation. In
the course of the project functions of encoded protein as well as its
role in development of human leukemia will be investigated. This
project will be the first study to characterize the functions of
protein localized in endoplasmatic reticulum involved in hematopoietic
stem cell turnover.
Probing the function of rhythmic neuronal synchronization with weak,
alternating electric fields
M.A. (Martin) Vinck BSc (m) Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
We will control rhythmic neuronal synchronization in vivo with weak,
alternating electric fields. The effects of the applied electric
fields on the neuronal firing patterns and on behavioral parameters of
visual attention will be investigated in detail.
Development and regulation of the venom-delivery system in snakes
F.J. (Freek) Vonk (m) Universiteit Leiden
I will investigate the developmental and transcriptional control of
venom-secreting cells of the snake venom-delivery system. This
research will show how venom secretion is regulated and has the
potential for providing new systems for drug design and discovery,
through manipulating cells to make specific proteins.
Dynamical networks of neural synchronization in human motor control
B.C.M. (Bernadette) van Wijk MSc (v) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
How do innumerable neurons combine their actions, enabling us to walk
or to play the piano? Here, recent ideas from complex dynamics and
network theory are combined to pinpoint functional interactions in the
human brain during motor control.
Understanding the role of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) in consumer
L.M. (Lotte) Willemsen (v) Universiteit van Amsterdam
The aim of the proposed project is to gain more insight into the way
eWOM in online social networks affects consumer behavior by
disentangling the relationships between type of eWOM, trust, social
identity and type of social influence.
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek