European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

23 October 2007

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Czech Republic graduates from EBRD

Bank investment to halt from end-2007

By agreement between the Czech authorities and the EBRD, the EBRD will no longer make new investments in the Czech Republic from the end of 2007. The EBRD will continue to work closely with Czech enterprises to foster a growing volume of investment into countries further east, where the EBRD is shifting its focus.

This decision to exit as a country for new EBRD investments reflects the advanced state of transition that has been achieved by the Czech people. It flows from the EBRD 5-year strategy adopted by shareholders in 2006 which anticipates that all eight countries which joined the European Union in 2004 will graduate by 2010.

The President of the EBRD, Jean Lemierre, saluted the "extraordinarily successful journey that the Czech authorities and the Czech people have taken to build a thriving market economy anchored by the democratic institutions that bolster a sustainable, strong economy." He looked forward to continuing to find opportunities for the EBRD to support Czech investments in South eastern Europe, Ukraine and beyond, where the Bank will increase its activity and where Czech firms are finding new scope to expand.

The Czech Republic, which will be the first of the countries where the EBRD will stop new investment, will continue to be a shareholder in the EBRD and will remain a country of operations as the EBRD continues to manage its portfolio of investments. The EBRD office in Prague will close in November. Apart from specific exceptions, the EBRD will make no new investments there beyond the graduation date of 31 December, 2007.

The only exceptions involve projects which are well advanced but will not be ready for Board approval and signing until early 2008. The Board of Directors has readily accepted these exceptions because the projects concerned carry high transition impact and there was no wish to compromise the usual high standards of due diligence and careful preparation in order to meet the graduation date.

Since 1992, the EBRD has committed EUR1.1 billion to the country, financing 103 projects with a total value of EUR4.7 billion.

The impact of the new EBRD strategy is already being reflected in the breakdown of the Bank's expanding business volume. The share of overall investments in central and eastern Europe fell to 14 from 16 percent in 2006, while 86 percent of new business was in south eastern European and the former Soviet Union. Total business volume in 2006 rose to EUR4.9 billion from a previous 4.3 billion and is expected to show another increase in 2007

Press contact:
Anthony Williams, Head of Media Relations - Tel: +44 20 7338 6997; E-mail:
