Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken

Nederland protesteert tegen Afghaanse executies

11 okt 2007 | Nederland heeft donderdag namens de Europese Unie en Noorwegen bij de Afghaanse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Rangin Spanta geprotesteerd tegen de recente executies van vijftien Afghanen.

Nederland heeft een dringend beroep gedaan af te zien van verdere executies en heeft verzocht om opnieuw een moratorium in te stellen als eerste stap in de richting van afschaffing van de doodstraf.

Sinds 2004 bestond er een moratorium op de doodstraf in Afghanistan. Voor Nederland en de Europese Unie (EU) is afschaffing van de doodstraf een prioriteit van het buitenlands beleid.

Nederland en Afghanistan zijn in november 2005 overeengekomen dat arrestanten die door Nederlandse troepen aan Afghaanse autoriteiten worden overdragen, niet ter dood mogen worden gebracht. Tijdens het gesprek met Spanta liet deze weten dat Afghanistan zich zal houden aan de met Nederland gemaakte afspraken.

lees hier het persbericht van de Nederlandse ambassade in Kaboel:

Press Release

Date of Release: 11 October 2007

Statement by the EU Presidency on behalf of all EU Member States and Norway on the execution by the Government of Afghanistan of fifteen Afghan nationals on the 7th October 2007

Kabul, Afghanistan -

It is with deep regret that the EU and Norway have learned of the execution of fifteen Afghan Nationals on the 7th October. The European Union and Norway oppose the death penalty in all cases and accordingly seeks its universal abolition, through a global moratorium on the death penalty as the first step.

The European Union Member States and Norway would like to make an urgent appeal to halt any possible further executions and to request the Government of Afghanistan to reconsider establishing a moratorium on the death penalty. Furthermore they would like to request the Government of Afghanistan to consider the accession of Afghanistan to the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) on the abolition of the death penalty.

The EU and Norway are concerned that the procedural guarantees for a fair trial were not in place given the weak state of the Afghan judicial system. Furthermore they are concerned about the way the death penalty was carried out in secrecy. Executions under these circumstances are contrary to internationally recognised human rights norms and neglect the dignity and worth of the human person.

The EU and Norway call on the Government of Afghanistan to respect their international obligations, particularly in the field of Human Rights.

The Netherlands is a member of the European Union (EU) and currently acting EU president in Afghanistan on behalf of Portugal.
* Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken

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