
Polen wil mandaat EP´er Geremek afpakken

- VVD tegen "wet van de wraak" tegen mede-oprichter "Solidariteit" -

Polen dreigt het mandaat van de liberale Poolse Europarlementariër Geremek (ALDE) terug te trekken. Reden is dat hij niet een tweede verklaring wilde tekenen waarin hij aangeeft vroeger niet samengewerkt te hebben met de communisten op grond van een paar maanden geleden aangenomen nieuwe wet, die nogmaals parlementariërs, maar nu ook journalisten en universiteitsdocenten, verplicht zo´n verklaring te tekenen.

De eurofractie van de VVD verzet zich hier krachtig tegen.

VVD-fractievoorzitter Jules Maaten: "Schandelijke manipulatie van parlementaire onafhankelijkheid door Poolse regering. Het EP maar ook de Raad mag dit niet over zijn kant laten gaan. Dit raakt aan de wortels van het democratisch proces. Ik verwacht ook stappen van EU regeringen waaronder Nederland."

De liberale Europarlementariërs roepen ook de Tweede Kamer op actie te ondernemen.

Geremek is mede-oprichter van "Solidariteit" en oud-minister van Buitenlandse Zaken in het post-communistische Polen.

Hieronder vindt u de verklaring van Geremek:

I refuse

The chairman of the National Elections Committee sent me an official letter demanding that I submit a declaration of "lustration" or face the threat to see my mandate as a Member of the European Parliament taken back from me. I will not submit such a declaration. I would like to add a few words, especially for my constituents, in order to explain my position.

As I ran for the elections three years ago, I fulfilled all requirements of the election law, including the submission of a declaration that I never collaborated with the secret police. I have been elected, the National Elections Committee validated the result, and the European Parliament during its Strasbourg session proclaimed that I am a Member. For the past three years no new element occurred that could bear an influence on the exercise of my mandate: no one proclaimed the invalidity of my "lustration" declaration, I did not take on any position which could be incompatible with the mandate, no court has pronounced that I broke the law. In my opinion, demanding from me to submit again a "lustration" declaration under the threat to see my mandate taken back is contradictory to the rule of law and a disregard to the will of 121.805 voters. It is contradictory to the constitutional principle of the respect for human dignity.

It has been said that the lustration law aims at having a moral impact. I do not share this point of view. I believe that this law as it is, violates the moral rules, threatens the freedom of speech, the media freedom, and the autonomy of the universities. It creates a kind of "ministry of truth", of a "police of memory" and it makes the citizen defenceless when facing a smear campaign, weakening the legal protection of his rights.

I was delaying this statement because I did want it to be only a personal protest act. I express my full understanding to those who share my opinion yet decided to submit their declarations. I do hope that the action of the democratic forces - and among them there will certainly be the Democratic Party - will lead to change bad laws and to the protection of Poland's good name. My decision is a call for restraint and responsibility from our authorities as well as the expression of my hope for citizen's activity.

To this imperative demand that urges me to subordinate to a humiliating procedure I have only one answer - I refuse.

Bronisl/aw Geremek