Monumental Life Global Funding III Issues $700 Million in ...

Aegon institutional markets

Monumental Life Global Funding III Issues $700 Million in Funding Agreement-Backed Notes

LOUISVILLE, Kentucky, January 11 /PRNewswire/ --
Monumental Life Global Funding III (MGF III), an AEGON Institutional Markets' medium term notes program, kicked off its 2007 funding program with a globally distributed, dual tranche, $700 million notes offering. The seven-year notes feature a $300 million tranche that will pay a fixed-coupon rate of 5.25 percent and a $400 million, floating-rate tranche that will pay 3 month LIBOR plus 20 basis points. The notes mature January 15, 2014.

The MGF III notes are rated Aa3 by Moody's, AA by Standard and Poor's, and AA+ by Fitch.

Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch and Bank of America were joint book-running managers of the transaction.

About AEGON Institutional Markets

With more than $32 billion in institutional spread product balances as of September 30, 2006, AEGON Institutional Markets - a Louisville, Kentucky-based unit within the AEGON Group - is a leading provider of savings and investment products to institutional clients in the retirement and asset-accumulation markets. Its products are issued by U.S. life insurance companies. Since inception in 1999, AEGON Institutional Markets' Monumental Life medium term notes programs have issued more than $18 billion in notes.

CONTACT: Lisa Medley, +1-502-560-4802,


CONTACT: Lisa Medley, +1-502-560-4802,