Vrijdag 27 oktober
Hans Faverey voor het oor (Dichters lezen dichters III)
Aanvang: 20.30 uur
Entree: 6 euro, 5 euro met korting
Locatie: Kloveniersburgwal 86
Reserveren: perdu@perdu.nl of via de website: www.perdu.nl
M.m.v. Hans Groenewegen en Rozalie Hirs.
Na het succes van de integrale lezingen van de dichtbundels Klem van Kees Ouwens en De weg naar Egypte van Gertrude Starink, brengen Hans Groenewegen en Rozalie Hirs in de reeks Dichters lezen dichters werk van Hans Faverey.
Op deze avond confronteren Hirs en Groenewegen de vroege Faverey met de late. Ze lezen Favereys laatste bundel Het ontbrokene (1990) samen met de twee eerste Gedichten 1 (1968) en Gedichten 2 (1972). Het zelfstandig naamwoord 'Stilstand' is het eerste woord van het oeuvre, het werkwoord 'bijstaan' het laatste. De spanning tussen die beide, fixeren en in beweging brengen willen de dichters in hun lezing ervaarbaar maken. Zij worden daarin bijgestaan door dichter/componist Samuel Vriezen.
Joan Opyr: Idaho Code
Date: Wednesday 25 October 2006
Place: Theater Perdu Kloveniersburgwal 86, Amsterdam
Time: 8pm (doors open 7pm)
Price: ¤7.50 (¤5 CJP/Students/+65)
Reservation: www.britlit.info
Joan Opyr will be popping over to Amsterdam prior to her appearance at the York Lesbian Arts Festival in the UK, where she was invited back following her popularity at last year's edition. She will be talking on her hilarious lesbian novel Idaho Code, followed by a Q&A and signing. Gay & Lesbian bookstore Vrolijk will be selling copies of Idaho Code on the night and are also generously sponsoring the event.
A part-time editor and full-time writer, Joan Opyr lives in Moscow, Idaho. Under the pen name Auntie Establishment, she writes a monthly humor column for Moscow's Community News in which she takes on the most vital social issues of our day. She is a regular columnist for New West Magazine and Stonewall News Northwest, and the Program Director for the YWCA of Washington State University. A graduate of North Carolina State University, Joan has a BA and MA in English.
Opyr is the Ukrainian word for vampire. Joan means hyperactive bon vivant. Opyr's hobbies are politics, politics, and politics, though, for the sake of variation, she has been known occasionally to dance the polka...
America's leading lesbian publication Curve (circulation 250,000) are interviewing her for a forthcoming issue. Catch her at this intimate evening while you can!