Microsoft kent Utimaco de Gold Certified Partner status toe
Data Security oplossingen werken perfect samen met Microsoft producten
Oberursel/ Arnhem, 15 juni 2006 - Utimaco, leverancier van data beveiligingsoplossingen, heeft de status van Microsoft Gold Certified Partner gekregen. Het certificaat geeft aan dat de producten van Utimaco perfect samenwerken met die van Microsoft. In het bijzonder zijn de beveiligingssoftware en de Independent Software Vendor applicaties erkend.
"Vooral in de IT-beveiliging hebben klanten verkopers nodig die ze kunnen vertrouwen en die de rol van adviseur kunnen aannemen als het gaat om hun strategische, technologische lange termijn plannen," zegt Allison Watson, vice president Worldwide Partner Sales and Marketing Group van Microsoft Corp. Paul Yao, Utimaco's Business Alliance Manager bij Microsoft in Redmond voegt toe: "De strategie van Microsoft is gericht op samenwerkingsverbanden, maar de Gold Partner status wordt hierbij gereserveerd voor die bedrijven die een unieke synergie creëren waarbij de bedrijven afzonderlijk optimaal presteren, en daarbij tegelijkertijd elkaar helpen om succesvol te zijn."
Microsoft en Utimaco hebben al meer dan 15 jaar een bijzonder hechte relatie.
Origineel persbericht:
Utimaco awarded Microsoft Gold Certified Partner Status
· Microsoft certifies Utimaco's security expertise
· New status allows access to exclusive research resources
· Partnership underlines strong relationship with Microsoft
Oberursel, June 14, 2006, Utimaco - The Data Security Company has earned Gold Certified Partner status to Microsoft, indicating the highest degree of competence in working with Microsoft technologies. The award specifically recognizes Utimaco's achievements as a security solutions provider and also for its Independent Software Vendor (ISV) solutions. This partner status is the result of Utimaco's success in working with Microsoft and delivering Microsoft-compatible security solutions to enterprise customers. The award is another milestone in a series of initiatives Utimaco has undertaken with Microsoft.
The data security specialist gained the highest level within the Microsoft Certified Partners Program by achieving the highest level of developer certification and providing numerous completed customer reference projects. The Gold Partner status sends an important message to potential customers that Utimacoís products display excellence in operational functionality on Microsoft operating systems and that they can trust in Utimacoís Microsoft Certified System Engineers.
The Gold Partner Status is another milestone in the close relationship Utimaco shares with Microsoft for over 15 years. In February 2006, Utimaco became a founding member with Microsoft in the SecureIT Alliance, allowing Utimaco to access latest product and developer details on an exclusive level. An ongoing information flow is also guaranteed by Utimaco's Microsoft Primary Support Contract. This contract incorporates a Microsoft staff member solely attending the needs of Utimaco developers, offering them close technical support.
In co-operation with Microsoft, Utimaco has already provided innovative security solutions, such as developing a certificate-based access to Microsoft Windows-based PCs using national electronic identity cards. With the implementation of Utimaco's SafeGuard software products to secure the Windows Mobile devices in use by the staff at the Microsoft subsidiary in Germany, Microsoft has recognized Utimaco for its reliable data security technology.
"Particularly in IT-security, customers need vendors they can trust who can assume the role as an advisor for their long-term strategic technology plans," said Allison Watson, vice president of the Worldwide Partner Sales and Marketing Group at Microsoft Corp. "We recognize Utimaco as a new Gold Certified Partner for demonstrating its expertise in providing security solutions on Microsoft products and technology."
Paul Yao, Utimaco's Business Alliance Manager to Microsoft in Redmond, adds: "Microsoft's business is built on establishing partner relationships; but it reserves the Gold Partner status for those companies which have fulfilled the promise of establishing the unique synergies which are necessary to help both companies do what they do best, and at the same time to help each other to be successful. Reaching Microsoft Gold Partner status was a logical next in the close relationship between Utimaco and Microsoft. Utimaco is committed to continuing to provide data security solutions that support and extend Microsoft's technologies in a way that provide our mutual customers with both cost efficient and secure environments."
Over Utimaco Safeware AG - de Data Security Company Utimaco is een wereldwijd toonaangevende producent van professionele oplossingen voor databeveiliging binnen bedrijven en overheden. De al meermaals bekroonde oplossingen beschermen data tegen toegang en manipulatie door onbevoegden, ongeacht het feit of deze op mobiele persoonlijke apparatuur, PC's of netwerken opgeslagen zijn. Met bijna 3 miljoen installaties is SafeGuard Easy wereldwijd de best verkopende oplossing voor databescherming op notebooks en PC's. Utimaco is ook marktleider op het gebied van elektronische transactiebeveiliging. Zo beveiligen Utimaco-oplossingen in Duitsland bijvoorbeeld meer dan 90 procent van alle met cards werkende betalingssystemen. Utimaco biedt zijn klanten uitgebreide ondersteuning op locatie via een wereldwijd netwerk van partners en dochterbedrijven in Europa, de VS en Japan. Het hoofdkantoor van Utimaco Safeware AG bevindt zich in Oberursel, Duitsland, en staat genoteerd aan de Frankfurt Stock Exchange (ISIN DE0007572406). Bezoek voor meer informatie
Voor meer informatie
Utimaco Safeware B.V.
Gauthier Van Daele, Managing Director
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Amanda de Ruwe
Sterk Werk Communicatie B.V.
Senior Consultant
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Gsm: +31 6 50517393