
Datum: Woensdag 7 juni 2006
Locatie: Media Plaza, Utrecht
Kosten: 399 Euro

'Games, de G in de marketingmix' geeft marketeers de kans zich in een dag uitgebreid te orienteren op de mogelijkheden van het inzetten van games in de marketingmix:
. de verschillende vormen games;
. de diverse wijzen van adverteren in-, met en rondom games; . de marketingdoelstellingen die te realiseren zijn met games; . de doelgroepen die bereikt kunnen worden;
. de kosten;
. de resultaten.

De werelden van de 'console games', 'massive multiplayer online games', 'advergames', 'viral games', 'mobile games' en 'virtual realities' worden in een kader geplaatst. Daarnaast worden nationale en internationale cases gepresenteerd waarin de inzet van games een onderdeel van de marketingmix of advertentiecampagne vormen.

09.30 Ontvangst
10.00 Opening en inleiding door dagvoorzitter Jeroen de Bakker, Tequila
10.15 Presentatie door Mike Parsons, TribalDDB
Overview van de ontwikkelingen in branded en andere casual games en virals met aansprekende voorbeelden
10.45 Keynote door Eric Clemenceau, VP Massive Incorporated Dynamische presentatie over in game advertising en de meetbaarheid van ingame advertising
11.30 Pauze
11.45 Presentatie 'Games in de Windows Live omgeving' door Arnout Hemel (Microsoft), Victor Knaap (Media Monks) en Hans-Peter Harmsen (Oberon Meialab)
12.30 Lunch en belevingsmarkt
13.20 Inleiding middagprogramma door dagvoorzitter Jeroen de Bakker 13.30 Pitch parallelsessies
13.40 Parallelsessie ronde 1
14.10 Parallelsessie ronde 2
14.40 Pauze

Presentatie door Sven Bagemihl, Sales director new advertising - Spill Group Holding
15.25 Keynote door Martin Lundin, Head of Digital Marketing bij Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
Presentatie over de (digital) marketing-aanpak van Sony Ericsson, geillustreerd door de cross media marketingcampagne 'The Sony Ericsson Da Vinci Code Trail'.
16.00 Afsluiting door dagvoorzitter
16.15 Networkborrel

Eric Clemenceau is Vice President of Sales for continental Europe at Massive Incorporated. Clemenceau has extensive experience in media, media sales, marketing, and management which spans 23 years in cable, satellite, print, distribution, business development and new media both in France and internationally. As VP of European Ad Sales, he is responsible for bringing Massive's ground breaking video game network to advertisers throughout Europe. At Turner Broadcasting, Clemenceau was responsible for channels including CNN, Cartoon Network, Turner Classic Movies, and Boomerang. Prior to the cable channel management, he was Senior Vice President of CNN International Advertising Sales in Europe.
Mike Parsons has been working in media and internet related roles. Currently, Mike is the Managing Partner of TribalDDB (NYSE-OMC) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He provides services such as web design, internet marketing and online advertising. In short, creating digital experiences. Prior to TribalDDB, Mike was the General Manager at MRM Partners. During his career he has developed a broad knowledge and experience in executing successful marketing initiatives across print, radio, direct mail and digital media. Martin Lundin, Head of Digital Marketing bij Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
Martin currently heads the global Digital Marketing department of Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB in Lund, Sweden. He is responsible for, including coordination of online campaigns, registered users, content management and overall reflection of the Sony Ericsson brand in the digital realm. Martin joined the Sony Ericsson Marketing Communications team 6 years ago, bringing his agency-side expertise to various areas, with a special focus on online and digital marketing. He also drives the strategic digital marketing partnership between Sony Ericsson and Media Catalyst in Amsterdam. Voor vragen over sponsoring kunt u contact opnemen met Antoinette Hoes op 030-291 41 11.

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