Ingezonden persbericht


3 mei, 2006

SPSS presenteert sterke kwartaalresultaten

~ groei in licentieverkopen stuwt inkomsten in het eerste kwartaal van 2006 ~

SPSS Inc. (NASDAQ: SPSS), wereldwijde leverancier van software oplossingen voor predictive analytics, heeft de resultaten over het eerste kwartaal van boekjaar 2006, dat eindigde op 31 maart, bekend gemaakt. De organisatie realiseerde een nettoresultaat van 62,2 miljoen dollar, een stijging van 8 procent ten opzichte van de 57,5 miljoen dollar in dezelfde periode vorig jaar.

De inkomsten uit de verkoop van nieuwe licenties bedroegen 29,9 miljoen dollar, een stijging van 15 procent ten opzichte van 2005, waarin licentieverkopen 26,0 miljoen dollar vertegenwoordigden.

De winst per aandeel (EPS) bedroeg 0,24 dollar, een stijging met 85 procent ten opzichte van 0,13 dollar vorig jaar.

Hieronder volgt het volledige persbericht:

SPSS Delivers Strong First Quarter 2006 Results

License Growth Drives 85% Earnings Increase

SPSS Inc. (NASDAQ:SPSS) a worldwide provider of predictive analytics software, today announced results for the quarter ended March 31, 2006. The Company reported net revenues of $62.2 million, an increase of 8 percent from $57.5 million in the first quarter of 2005. New license revenues were $29.9 million, up 15 percent from $26.0 million in the 2005 first quarter. Diluted earnings per share (EPS) were $0.24, an increase of 85 percent from $0.13 for the same period last year. 2006 first quarter EPS includes a $0.03 charge for the expensing of share-based compensation. Operating income for the first quarter of 2006 increased to $7.0 million or 11 percent of total revenues, from $4.0 million or 7 percent of total revenues in the same quarter last year. Cash totaled $100.4 million as of March 31, 2006, up from $84.4 million as of December 31, 2005.

"We started the year on a strong note by maintaining the sales momentum built during 2005," said Jack Noonan, SPSS president and CEO. "Through disciplined execution from our sales and marketing teams, we realized an increase in the number of enterprise transactions, achieved year-over-year growth in all major product categories, and saw long-anticipated improvement in revenue from professional services. This growth occurred in each of the major geographies - the Americas, Europe and the Pacific Rim."

SPSS Gains More Industry Analyst Recognition
The Company's market leadership continued to receive recognition from leading industry analysts. In January, Gartner, Inc. announced that it had positioned SPSS in its leaders' quadrant for customer data mining, as part of Gartner's first quarter 2006 customer data mining "Magic Quadrant" report (

In April, Nucleus Research ( released an ROI case study, "SPSS PredictiveMarketing - FBTO," assessing the SPSS PredictiveMarketing solution at FBTO, a European insurance company. The report found that with SPSS PredictiveMarketing, this customer increased their direct marketing conversion rates by 200 percent, increased the productivity of their marketing staff, and achieved a return on investment of 448 percent.

Outlook and Guidance
"We were pleased with the revenue growth and margin improvements compared with the prior year quarter, particularly in the face of less favorable currency exchange rates," said Raymond Panza, SPSS executive vice president and CFO. "We believe these financial successes reflect a culture of progress marked by consistent execution, cost-efficiency and increasing productivity. The strength of our balance sheet provides greater flexibility and a solid foundation for on-going financial improvement."

Panza further stated, "2006 second quarter revenues are expected to be between $61 and $63 million with EPS in the range of $0.20 to $0.26. EPS for the 2006 second quarter includes an estimated expense of $0.04 for share-based compensation. We are reiterating previous guidance for the 2006 fiscal year, with revenues expected to total between $248 and $254 million and EPS ranging from $0.98 to $1.09. EPS guidance for this annual period includes estimated expense of $0.16 to $0.20 for share-based compensation. Share-based compensation expense includes the effect of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 123R as well as the company's increased use of restricted stock units."


SPSS (NASDAQ: SPSS) is een wereldwijde leverancier van software-oplossingen voor predictive analytics. De organisatie is actief in meer dan 80 landen en heeft ruim 1.300 medewerkers.

Al meer dan 37 jaar stelt SPSS zijn klanten in staat zich beter op hun kernactiviteiten te concentreren en hun prestaties te verbeteren. SPSS' klantenportfolio bestaat uit meer dan 120.000 bedrijven, academische instituten, zorgaanbieders, marktonderzoeksbedrijven en overheidsinstellingen. Met de software van SPSS kunnen organisaties de interactie met klanten, medewerkers, patiënten, studenten en burgers optimaliseren. Tevens zorgt de software ervoor dat de activiteiten die vandaag worden ondernomen, een positief effect hebben op doelen in de toekomst.

Met de geavanceerde oplossingen van SPSS, die elkaar perfect aanvullen, kunnen organisaties veranderingen in houding, gedrag en voorkeuren van mensen kwantificeren en hier direct op anticiperen. Zo kunnen zij hun strategieën en tactieken vol vertrouwen bijsturen. Meer informatie:

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Voor verdere persinformatie, fotomateriaal of een interview kunt u contact opnemen met Marieke van Zuien van LEWIS, Global Public Relations: Tel: +31 (0)40 235 46 00

Voor verdere algemene informatie kunt u contact opnemen met Bernadette van Beest van SPSS: Tel: +31 (0)183 651 777

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