Inkomende handelsdelegatie Bulgarije, 6 t/m 8 december 2004
De DUMA organiseert In samenwerking met de EVD van 6 december tot en
met 8 december een inkomende missie van een vijftal Bulgaarse
bedrijven. De Bulgaarse bedrijven zijn gericht op de inkoop van
gebruikte machines en oriënteren zich hiervoor op de Nederlandse
markt. Een unieke mogelijkheid voor Nederlandse handelaren in
gebruikte machines om in contact te komen met handelspartners uit
Graag nodigen wij u uit om aan deze handelsreis deel te nemen. U kunt
zich direct online aanmelden.
Op maandag 6 december 2004 zal om 9.30 uur tot 14.00 uur een
matchmaking bijeenkomst worden georganiseerd om kennis te maken met de
bedrijven. Deze bijeenkomst vindt plaats in het Dorint Hotel, Johan de
Wittlaan 42-44 in Den Haag.
De missie zal zich richten op gebruikte machines in de volgende
* metaalbewerking
* landbouw
* voedselverwerking
* wegenbouw
Het is de bedoeling om de Bulgaarse bedrijven ook in de gelegenheid te
stellen om de Nederlandse handelaren op hun eigen bedrijf te bezoeken.
Een (engelstalige) profielschets van de bedrijven vindt u hieronder.
Deelname en kosten
Deelname aan deze inkomende missie biedt u als Nederlandse handelaar
de gelegenheid om met een minimale inspanning en kosten in contact te
komen met potentiële Bulgaarse klanten. De kosten verbonden aan
deelname zijn 50 per bedrijf.
Bedrijfsprofielen inkomende handelsreis Bulgarije
* Bedrijf A
Main field of activity: repair of metal-cutting machines and
production of spare parts and equipment for these. The company has
established a name on the market of machine building industry.
Great part of the metal cutting machinery is for export to Greece,
Turkey, Macedonia, Serbia, Poland, Austria, Italy, Spain, Lebanon,
Egypt etc. The company has its own transport park and operates
internally for Bulgaria and internationally. The staff is 17
people on a labor contract. Part of the work is contracted to
other companies as sub-contractors.
They are interested in metal-cutting machines: Lathes, Milling
machines, Drilling machines, Sheet metal machines, Bending
machines, Presses
* Bedrijf B
Established as a limited liability company in 1994 as a small-size
enterprise (12 persons) for sale and service of used high pressure
machines for food processing industries as well motor-service
stations. Steam-jet systems, new and recycled as main field of
specialization for the company. Take part regularly in exhibitions
of such equipment. They offer recycle and service of high pressure
machines produced by "Karcher" and "Wap". Well known on the
domestic market, especially in South Bulgaria.
Interested in import of various models of high pressure machines
for food, wine and tobacco industries as well car washing
machines. Would like to extend their activities in the field of
that kind of used machines.
* Bedrijf C
Interested in: new and used grain combines, tractors, turn
ploughs, rotary harrows, spare parts for these machines. Main
field of specialization: selling KLAAS combines and original spare
parts for these together with complementary equipment.
* Bedrijf D
Bulgarian private company established in 1992. The Commercial
Department occupied in the international trade with road
construction machines, equipment and construction materials, and
Construction Department for construction and rehabilitation of
different projects in Bulgaria. Interested to meet companies for
road construction and road maintenance machines and equipment.
Interested in the following machines: Bitumen Distributor, Slurry
seal machines, Chipping Spreaders, Bitumen Sprayers, Emulsion
Plants, Joint Sealing Machines, Universal sprayers, Tanker
vehicles, Special saws, Smoothing machines, Concrete power
trowels, Scarifiers, Concrete vibration equipment, Internal
pneumatic vibrators for concrete, Vibrating screeds, Compacting
plates, Vibratory soil compactors, Tandem vibrating rollers,
Pneumatic rollers, wheel loaders, compactors, asphalt plants,
bitumen emulsion plants, concrete plants, Mills, Jigs, Asphalt
* Bedrijf E (to be confirmed)
Created in 1993. The main activity is Import of agricultural
machinery - combines and tractors and equipment for it. At the
first years of the activity the president of the firm delivered
above 100 combines for his customers. At this way he gratify the
need of new and contemporary machines, which to changed the old.
Everybody knew, that in Bulgaria the technics is very old and it
is difficult to work with it. But a lot of Bulgarian farmers can't
buy these new and so necessary for them machines. And of course
the main reason for that is, that they can't pay in cash. For this
purpose the firm become a Leasing Company and even 10 years help
to Bulgarian landowners to buy agricultural machines by leasing
(in installments). Today the company works with 4 German firms and
Import combines and tractors from every trademark manufactured all
over the world.
Meer informatie
* Over de handelsreis
Hans van der Bron
Telefoon: (070) 778 82 92
E-mail: bron@evd.nl
Elsbeth Jansen
Telefoon (030) 605 33 44
E-mail: jansen@metaalunie.nl
* Sectorpagina
+ www.evd.nl/machines
+ www.evd.nl/metaalbewerking
+ www.evd.nl/agro
+ www.evd.nl/voedingsmiddelen
+ www.evd.nl/bouw
* Over Bulgarije
+ www.evd.nl/bulgarije
+ Online publicatie
+ Of neem contact op met de regio-informatiemanager
Bulgarije Michiel Notten (070) 778 8906