Strategische alliantie IBM en i-flex solutions

De alliantie tussen IBM en i-flex solutions is gericht op de bancaire sector, klanten zijn o.a. SNS Bank, IMF (Internationaal Monetair Fonds) en Syndicate Bank.

Amsterdam, 21th november - IBM en i-flex solutions (Reuters: IFLX.BO/IFLX.NS), wereldwijde aanbieder van informatietechnologie oplossingen voor de bancaire sector heeft vandaag aangekondigd een strategische alliantie aan te gaan met IBM. Deze alliantie heeft als doel gezamenlijk bancaire software applicaties op de markt te brengen voor middelgrote tot grote banken in de belangrijkste financiële markten. De oplossing is erop gericht kosten te reduceren door de bestaande infrastructuur en applicaties om te zetten in een modern platform dat efficiënter werkt en minder kostbaar is in het onderhoud.

Mark Greene, Algemeen Directeur, IBM Global Banking Industry: 'In deze zeer competitieve markt zullen banken zich moeten concentreren op het op één lijn krijgen van investeringen in technologie om integratie van verschillende business units en de verscheidenheid van platformen te bewerkstelligen. In samenwerking met i-flex solutions, zullen wij klanten flexibele oplossingen bieden, gebaseerd op een open standaard, dat hen zal assisteren in het optimaliseren van de operationele efficiency en de kosten verlagen.'

Bob Goedhart, Directeur Operations SNS Financial Markets: 'Wij zijn verheugd met het nieuws dat IBM en i-flex de huidige samenwerking formaliseren in de vorm van een strategische alliantie. Bij SNS Financial Markets en straks ook bij onze afdeling Buitenlands Betalingsverkeer wordt gewerkt met FLEXCUBE als back-office systeem in combinatie met de infrastructuur van IBM. Wij maken daarbij gebruik van de brede functionaliteit van het FLEXCUBE systeem, met name de volledige treasury administratie ter ondersteuning van onze fundingactiviteiten. Het unieke van deze samenwerking is voor ons het feit dat beide partijen sterke producten in de markt zetten en daardoor samen sterker en slagvaardiger kunnen opereren.'

De voordelen van de alliantie tussen IBM en i-flex solutions zijn:
- Afname van kosten per transactie en toename van efficiency ratio
- Groei door middel van effectieve competitieve differentiatie en de stap naar een organisatie gedreven door de wens van de klant
- Reduceren van investeringsrisico's in ICT projecten
- Mogelijkheid tot de verbetering van klant loyaliteit en risico management

- Breed aanbod voor klanten, gebaseerd op keuzes uit een centrale bron.

Klanten die reeds gekozen hebben voor zowel IBM als de i-flex toepassingen zijn onder andere: SNS Bank in Nederland, Syndicate Bank in India, en het Internationaal Monetair Fonds in de Verenigde Staten.

'De echte winnaars zijn onze klanten,' zegt Senthil Kumar, CEO i-flex solutions Europa. 's'werelds best verkochte bancaire toepassing ondersteund door de grootste en meest ervaren technologie aanbieder in de wereld is een aantrekkelijke toegevoegde waarde voor elke financiële instelling die belang hecht aan het reduceren van kosten en het verhogen van de service niveaus.'

Als onderdeel van de alliantie zal IBM FLEXCUBE aanbieden als toonaangevende oplossing in de bancaire sector voor klanten gebruikmakend van UNIX/NT omgeving. Waar gewenst zal IBM's Business Consulting Services (BCS) consulting, implementatie en integratie diensten aanbieden. FLEXCUBE is in 2002 verkozen tot wereldwijd best verkochte universele bancaire oplossing door International Banking Systems (IBS-UK).

Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met: Julie Bakker
i-flex solutions (Burson-Marsteller)
+31 70 362 48 61

Bill Mew
Tel: +44 207 202 5769


Technology Leadership
Under the terms of the alliance, i-flex will make FLEXCUBE for Retail Banking available, in a phased manner using the enterprise, with WebSphere
(1) Internet infrastructure software as the underlying platform. FLEXCUBE will also be made available on IBM DB2(1) Universal Database. FLEXCUBE, which already runs on IBM's eServer (1) pSeries,(1) will now run on the complete range of IBM servers. The FLEXCUBE Retail Banking solution will be available in Q3 2004. Both companies also plan to make available other parts of the FLEXCUBE product suite on the IBM platform in the future. Both IBM and i-flex solutions will continue to enhance the joint solution by incorporating the latest developments in IBM's middleware and database technologies.

Joint Marketing, Sales and Delivery
IBM and i-flex will jointly market, sell and deliver the FLEXCUBE and Reveleus product suites on IBM's middleware and IBM eServer pSeries. In addition, i-flex's FLEXCUBE@ solution (for internet banking and brokerage, which already runs on IBM's eServer pSeries and AS400 platforms) will be promoted.

The FLEXCUBE product suite is a comprehensive, core banking set of applications covering Retail, Corporate and Investment Banking Operations. It also supports high-end Business Intelligence, Internet Banking and Internet Brokerage functions. A highly scalable solution, FLEXCUBE enables revenue growth while reducing transaction processing costs. FLEXCUBE is highly parameterized, enabling banks to launch new products and services effortlessly and quickly. It facilitates the integrated delivery of banking products across branch networks, telephones, ATMs, POS terminals and the Internet.

Reveleus, built on deep financial services domain expertise, provides pre-built, cross-functional analytics that deliver profitable customer acquisition and retention strategies, timely and focused answers for risk management, and the insight to manage enterprise performance.

PartnerWorld for Developers
The strategic alliance with i-flex solutions is another example of IBM's commitment to go-to-market with leading independent software vendors (ISVs) through the PartnerWorld for Developers program. Under this initiative, IBM has signed agreements with recognized software leaders such as i-flex solutions. The goal is to provide developers with access to new customers and revenue opportunities through IBM's marketing, sales, and solutions resources. As part of the agreement developers commit to lead with IBM's middleware, server platforms, and services in offerings to customers. For more information, visit www.ibm.com/partnerworld, or call 1-800-426-9990 in North America,
1-770-863-2048 outside North America.


About i-flex solutions
i-flex solutions (Reuters: IFLX.BO & IFLX.NS) is a world leader in providing IT solutions to the financial services industry and has serviced over 430 financial institutions across 101 countries. i-flex offers a comprehensive range of products and customized services that enable financial institutions to cut costs, respond rapidly to market needs, enhance customer service levels, and mitigate risk.

i-flex's portfolio of offerings includes FLEXCUBE, an end-to-end product suite for consumer, corporate, investment and internet banking, asset management, and investor servicing. Since its launch in 1997 more than 160 financial institutions across over 74 countries have chosen FLEXCUBE and FLEXCUBE has been ranked the No.1 selling Universal Banking Solution in the world by International Banking Systems (IBS-UK) for the year 2002.

Reveleus establishes institutional insight to respond to market needs, manage business risk and improve business performance through its suite of advanced analytics and information management products. Reveleus provides the industry's only metadata-driven information management infrastructure, coupled with a suite of integrated analytical applications for the financial services industry.

i-flex has over 2,600 employees, with 10 development centers including India, Singapore, and New York. The company has a strong global reach, with sales, marketing and support presence covering 20 overseas locations including 3 subsidiaries (i-flex solutions inc. in the US, i-flex solutions b.v. in the Netherlands, and i-flex solutions pte. in Singapore). In addition, i-flex is represented in over 55 countries through more than 34 corporate business partners. i-flex also has strong alliance and implementation relationships with industry leaders Hewlett Packard, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Oracle, and Sun Microsystems.

About IBM's Financial Services Sector
IBM is the world's largest information technology (IT) company and provider of IT services, as well as a preeminent technology partner to the world's financial services industry. Working directly with its financial services customers and with IBM certified Business Partners, IBM helps them become more competitive through the innovative deployment of high-impact, on demand solutions that enable financial institutions to achieve flexibility, scalability, variability, robustness and security in their IT architecture. These solutions comprise the full range of IBM capabilities including consulting, software, hardware, research and services. IBM offers solutions that strengthen customer relationships, streamline business processes, reduce costs and risks and enhance technical infrastructure. Additional information can be found at
www.ibm.com/solutions/financialservices . Subscribe to Building an Edge:

(1) Denotes a trademark or registered trademark of the International Business Machines Corporation.

21 nov 03 09:53