Ingezonden persbericht
Raelianen demonstreren wereldwijd vóór de ambassades van Korea
Op 6 augustus, de verjaardag van de ontploffing van de eerste atoombom op Hiroshima, zullen Raelianen het Nieuwjaar vieren en zij zullen wereldwijd demonstreren vóór de ambassades van Korea. In navolging van de weigering van de Koreaanse regering om Zijne Heiligheid RAEL toegang te verlenen in Korea op 2 augustus.
De redenen gegeven door de Koreaanse regering waren dat Zijne Heiligheid RAEL wellicht publieke onrust zou kunnen veroorzaken en de Koreaanse traditie zou kunnen schaden op ethisch gebied door een slecht beeld van Korea te geven vanwege Zijn steun voor het kloneren van mensen.
Zijne Heiligheid RAEL stelde tijdens de eerste Internet persconferentie (Zie tekst onder) die gisteren gehouden werd voor vele Koreaanse journalisten: "Door mij de toegang in het land te weigeren zal meer publieke ontrust veroorzaken dan wanneer men mij toegelaten zou hebben...Het ontnemen van mijn recht om dit land binnen te gaan zal Korea een slechte naam geven en ik zal mijn best doen om deze slechte naam van de Koreaanse regering te verspreiden over de wereld via de demonstraties die wereldwijd georganiseerd worden door de 60.000 leden van mijn organisatie."
Zijne Heiligheid RAEL voegt nog toe: "Geen regering zal in staat zijn om haar grenzen te sluiten voor mijn ideeën, en dankzij de technologie was ik gisteren in staat een persconferentie te houden en ik zal een een publieke conferentie houden op donderdag 7 augustus zodat ik in de gelegenheid ben om te spreken voor de Koreanen die geïnteresseerd zijn in onze organisatie. Bovendien zal ik, omdat de reden dat ik in Korea zou zijn om de Sensuele Meditatie te onderwijzen die ieder jaar georganiseerd wordt in Azië, direct via Internet met Raelianen daar praten."
Zijne Heiligheid RAEL eist een verontschuldiging van de Koreaanse regering en wenst een officiële uitnodiging van Korea te ontvangen om te praten met de leden van de regering, zoals gedaan is door de President van Kongo 2 jaar geleden toen Zijne Heiligheid RAEL daar officieel werd uitgenodigd om met hem te praten.
Het is duidelijk dat deze actie van de Koreaanse regering een schaamteloze daad is van discriminatie tegen Raelianen en hun religieuze leider om hen te verhinderen hun ideologie te verspreiden.
Voor alle interviews met Zijne Heiligheid RAEL, kunt u contact opnemen met: Sylvie Chabot 1-514-366-3734 of E-mail:
Of met de vertegenwoordiging in Nederland: Bart Overvliet 020-6686512 of 06.16124863 of E-mail:
His Holiness Rael
Press conference via web cam
Seoul Korea
Aug 4th 2003
Internet and freedom of speech:
His Holiness praised the internet, the ultimate technology to destroy borders, immigration's repressive laws and censorship. "No government can silence me or close the border of my thinking, of my ideology". (referring to the Korean Government refusing Him entry on Saturday at the Seoul airport) His Holiness spoke of China as the only country in the world where His books were forbidden and warned the South Korean people not to let their government follow the same path.
The true reasons for the Korean government to refuse entry to His Holiness:
The Korean Government lies when it gives the following excuses to justify their decision:
-Accepting a visit from the leader of the Raelian Religion who defends human cloning gives a bad image to South Korea. His Holiness points out that acting against freedom of religion and expression gives a much worse image. Such act is a terrible blow to freedom and democracy in South Korea. His Holiness has asked the 60,000 Raelian members in 84 countries to demonstrate in front of the Korean Embassies around the world on Aug 6th and to boycott all Korean products from now on. He has asked Buddhist to join in this campaign as the Daila Lama was once refused the right to enter Korea as well.
-The Korean Government wanted to avoid public disorder. His Holiness has visited Korea over ten times before including last year when He presided over a public conference untitled "Yes To Human Cloning" in Seoul which never cause a bit of public unrest. It is to be emphasized that the Raelian Religion supports Clonaid and human cloning ideologically but has absolutely no other ties.
True reason:
The Catholics in the Korean government are the ones, which pushed for the decision to refuse His Holiness the right to enter in South Korea. The same Catholic politicians are those who create suffering for millions of Buddhists and Protestants in the country and suppress freedom.
His Holiness Rael calls upon the South Korean Government to apologize to Him, to reimburse his plane fare and to invite Him officially as the president of Congo did, thereby stopping boycotting and demonstrations against South Korea around the world.
Fearing a cloned baby more than nuclear weapons: complete mental confusion:
The USA spends more in military spending than the whole world combined, kills millions of lives, with money that should be spent on science, medicine etc... and then there are scientists who give life, birth, love and everyone is horrified. How can the world have reached such a state of mental confusion where nuclear weapons are seen as positive and giving birth to a cloned child is negative?
Scientists bring love, life, birth; that is why world peace will only be possible thanks to science and technology.
North Korea/ South Korea:
His Holiness announced that the theme of his conference scheduled on Aug 7th at 7Pm Korean time via web cam will be "How to increase peace in the world by non- violence". He stressed that the problem in North Korea was not the people, "North and South Koreans are brothers and sisters", the problem is the politicians, which He warns are very dangerous and are always the source of problem anywhere in the world. His Holiness wants to visit North Korea and offer technology like cloning, the internet to help the people recover their freedom. He also stated that he understands though disapproves the decision (see below) of North Korea to build nuclear weapons as a way to defend themselves against the military of the USA. He invites the USA to show the example to North Korea by destroying their own nuclear weapons.
The Gandhi award
His Holiness Rael plans to create the Gandhi Award project with The Daila Lama and Nelson Mandela. He reminded everyone that violence is never a solution, violence begets fear and fear begets violence. Gandhi was able to overcome the most powerful army at the time, the British, with non-violence. Today, declares His Holiness, there is a new British empire to overthrow, the USA who are bulling the world. They have more military power than anyone else. They created more Muslim fanaticism than ever around the world since their attack on Afghanistan and Iraq. The only way to fight violence is through non-violent leaders.
For any interview with His Holiness RAEL, please contact our public relation office : ..............................................