5 juni 2003

Het arrest in de scientology-zaak is voor de achtste maal aangehouden. De zitting was 11 april 2002. De nieuwe pro-forma datum is 17 juli.

Karin Spaink, die samen met XS4ALL en nog 20 andere providers door scientology werd gedaagd wegens vermeende inbreuk op auteursrecht, heeft inmiddels contact gezocht met het Guinness Book of Records. Karin Spaink heeft een verzoek ingediend voor de recordtitel: 'Highest no. of postponements in a civil law suit'. Het verzoek luidt:

Record title: Highest no. of postponements in a civil law suit Record location: NL
Personal info: Karin Spaink, etc.
Date of claim: July 5, 2003
Details of claim:

In an ongoing appeal of a civil law suit - Scientology being the plaintiff, a huge number of Dutch providers and me personally being the defendants - the ruling has been postponed EIGHT times by now. After pleas had been held, the court of appeal stated that it would pronounce its ruling on June 13, 2002. On that day, we heard that the ruling would be postponed to September 5, 2002. Et cetera. Today, we were informed that the ruling would be postponed again. That is the ninth date that we have been given by the court of appeal and it brings the number of postponements up to eight. The dates that the court of appeal has given us and which were subsequently missed, are:

June 13, 2002
September 5, 2002
October 10, 2002
December 19, 2002
January 30, 2003
March 27, 2003
April 10, 2003
June 5, 2003.
The new date for the ruling has been set for July 17, 2003.

Guinness geeft aan binnen zes tot acht weken uitsluitsel te kunnen geven over de aanvraag. Nu maar hopen dat die uitspraak niet ook wordt uitgesteld.