Het concert dat Guns N' Roses op zondag 2 december a.s. zou geven in het
Gelredome in Arnhem is definitief afgelast. Dit concert werd eerder al een
half jaar uitgesteld naar december. De afgelopen vier weken zijn wij in
nauw contact gebleven met het management van Guns N' Roses aangezien er
geruchten waren dat Axl de tournee nogmaals zou verplaatsen. Onze
verbazing was vanmiddag echter groot toen het management liet weten te
kiezen voor afgelasting i.p.v. verplaatsing. Onderstaand de verklaring van
Guns N' Roses.
Gekochte kaarten kunnen vanaf DINSDAGOCHTEND 13 NOVEMBER a.s. om 10.00 uur
worden ingewisseld tot uiterlijk MAANDAG 17 DECEMBER a.s.
Guns N' Roses manager Doug Goldstein of Sanctuary Music Management has
announced the cancellation of the band's upcoming "Chinese Democracy" UK
and European tour dates. The dates, which have sold hundreds of thousands
of tickets in advance, were to follow Guns N' Roses extremely successful
return to live work before an audience of 250,000 people at the Rock in
Rio Festival earlier this year.
Doug Goldstein commented, "To ensure Guns N' Roses fans get the album they
deserve, Axl Rose has spent every waking minute of everyday during the
past 5 years writing, recording, and producing Guns' first album of all
new material since 1991. Following the euphoria of Rock in Rio, I jumped
the gun and arranged a European tour as our plan was to have the new album
out this year. Unfortunately, Buckethead's illness not only stopped the
tour but it also slowed down progress on "Chinese Democracy." As a
result, touring right now is logistically impossible. I am very sorry to
disappoint our fans but I can assure them that this is not what Axl wanted
nor is it 'Another page from the Howard Hughes of rock' as some of the
media will no doubt portray it. I made a plan and unfortunately it did not
work out.
"The good news is that everyone is ecstatic with the album and we will be
meeting with our label to schedule it's release following which we will
announce the rescheduled tour dates to coincide. Guns N' Roses look
forward to seeing everybody next year and once again please accept my
apologies for the way this has played out."