Internationale internet surfdag effectentoezichthouders

Internationale internet surfdag effectentoezichthouders

IOSCO, de internationale organisatie van effectentoezichthouders, heeft op 23 april jongstleden de tweede jaarlijkse internet surfdag georganiseerd. Door medewerkers van 41 effectentoezichthouders zijn in 34 landen ongeveer 27.000 websites bekeken. Er is onder andere gekeken naar misleidende reclame op het gebied van effectendiensten en het aanbieden van effectendiensten zonder vergunning. De internet surfdag is erop gericht om bescherming van beleggers en vertrouwen in de markt te bevorderen door misbruik van het internet op effectengebied tegen te gaan.

De Stichting Toezicht Effectenverkeer (STE) heeft, net als vorig jaar, deelgenomen aan de internationale internet surfdag van IOSCO. In totaal werden door 5 medewerkers 2016 websites bekeken, waarvan 60 websites aanleiding geven tot nader onderzoek. Het onderzoek naar het aanbieden van effectendiensten via het internet maakt deel uit van de reguliere toezichtstaken van de STE.

Stichting Toezicht Effectenverkeer
Persvoorlichting: Werner van Bastelaar 020-55 35 541, Berber Kroon
020-55 35 573

Voor meer informatie over de IOSCO International Internet Surf Day kunt u contact opnemen met Peter Clark, IOSCO Secretary General, Madrid: 00-34 6 50 37 88 98

Hieronder volgt het originele persbericht van IOSCO.


The Chairman of the Technical Committee of the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), David Brown, announced today that IOSCO members conducted their second annual International Internet Surf Day aimed at increasing investor protection and market confidence. An expanded number of regulators from IOSCOs membership participated in this second annual Surf Day.

The surf coordinated the efforts of 41 securities and futures regulators from 34 countries around the world. Regulators concentrated on fraudulent solicitation of investors, manipulation, the circulation of false or misleading information and insider trading.

During the Surf Day, approximately 300 individuals from the 41 participating authorities visited more than 27,000 websites, totalling approximately 1,200 hours of global participation. Of these sites, more than 2,400 were identified for follow-up review on the basis of possible fraud, market abuse and unauthorised financial activities, including approximately 300 sites that involved cross-border activity. That review is now under way and could result in further investigation and possible enforcement action.

Commenting on the second annual International Internet Surf Day, David Brown said:
IOSCO is continuing its co-operative enforcement efforts to combat the use of the Internet as a means to defraud potentially millions of people. Last year, the IOSCO International Surf Day proved to be a creative and effective technique for jointly monitoring and detecting illegal activity on the Internet. This year, the number of regulators participating in the Surf Day increased significantly, demonstrating the international regulatory communitys commitment to work together to address the challenges posed by the Internet.
Notes for Editors

For further information about IOSCO International Internet Surf Day, contact Peter Clark, IOSCO Secretary General, in Madrid, at +34 6 50 37 88 98

27 jun 01 16:57