Betreft: BBC World - This week on Click Online
Beste redactie,
Hierbij volgt een overzicht van de onderwerpen die komende week, 8 maart, aanbod komen in het wekelijkse televisieprogramma over nieuwe media: Click Online. Elke donderdagavond om 21.30 uur wordt dit programma gepresenteerd door Stephen Cole op BBC World, de 24-uurs internationale nieuws- en informatietelevisiezender.
This Week on Click Online - BBC World TV: SATELLITE ACCESS
* Satellite Connection: The digital divide is bridged in Arizona. Kevin
Anderson has been taking a look at use of satellite internet access for
a distance education project aimed at Native Americans. He talks to the
people behind Starbrand about doing away with the digital divide.
* Back to the future: We return to the house of the future to see how
technology could be integrated upstairs. Take a tour with us and see for
yourself some of the things that could be appearing in your home in the
next few years.
* Check-in Trauma: Can WAP be the answer to airline check-in
frustrations? Danny Meadows-Klue thinks it could be.
* And once more Rob Freeman will be here to with tips and hints for
surfing the net, and perking up your PC.
Click Online is a weekly programme presented by Stephen Cole for
everyone interested in the Internet and new media. Whether it's
e-commerce, new developments and products, or gadgets and games, Click
Online looks at the tools that will revolutionise business and personal
BBC World, BBC's 24-uurs internationale nieuws- en
informatietelevisiezender bereikt 173 miljoen huishoudens wereldwijd. In
Nederland ligt dit aantal op zo'n twee miljoen.
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