Statement by Steven van Weyenberg, Dutch State Secretary for Infrastructure and Water Management, at Transport Day, announcement of Glasgow Breakthroughs, Glasgow, 10 November

Staatssecretaris Van Weyenberg presenteerde vandaag, 10 november 2021, een nieuwe overeenkomst voor zero emissie vrachtwagens en bussen op COP26. Zeker vijftien landen steunen op de klimaattop in Glasgow dit Nederlandse initiatief om vanaf 2040 geen nieuwe vervuilende vrachtwagens en bussen meer toe te staan. Ook verschillende steden, zoals de Indiase hoofdstad Delhi, en bedrijven, zoals IKEA, Unilever, de staat Californië  en verschillende producenten van vrachtwagens behoren bij de ondertekenaars. De uitfasering van vrachtwagens in 2050 staat in Nederland al in het klimaatakkoord van 2019. 2040 als einddatum voor de verkoop van nieuwe vervuilende vrachtwagens is nieuw. Maar vooral nieuw is dat andere landen nu mee gaan doen. De staatssecretaris: ‘Deze overeenkomst is een mooi begin. Nederland is ambitieus. Wij hebben in het klimaatakkoord al afgesproken al het wegverkeer in 2050 schoon te willen hebben. Het is belangrijk om daar samen met andere landen voor te gaan, zodat de markt zich sneller gaat ontwikkelen. Ik roep andere landen dan ook op zich aan te sluiten.’

Ladies and gentlemen,

  • Mr. President, I would first like to applaud your efforts and the declaration that you just presented on light-duty vehicles. It’s great to see such broad support for all cars and vans to be fully zero emission by 2035. This has been a good day in our challenging and necessary battle for a sustainable future and the right for everyone to breathe clean air. 
  • Our target date in the Netherlands is 2030. An ambitious but feasible goal if you look at the pace at which zero emission transport is developing. Nevertheless, you and I all know that we have to speed up! 
  • So it’s fantastic that we have more good news today.
  • Today I’m proud to present a new Global Memorandum of Understanding on trucks and buses. 
  • It is an equally important and ambitious agreement to address this often overlooked sector, so called medium- and heavy-duty vehicles. For too long it was deemed a sector too difficult to decarbonise. But technology is improving fast and costs are falling quickly. 
  • Almost every day, new and revolutionary zero emission trucks are coming onto the market. Manufacturers are investing in green innovations. For a strong and competitive future for their company. And by doing so, investing in a sustainable future, clean air and new green jobs. 
  • Just two weeks ago, I joined King Willem-Alexander at the launch of a new, revolutionary zero emission bus in the Netherlands. Designed and manufactured by a young Dutch company that you’ll probably hear more about over the next few years.
  • With CALSTART the Netherlands has led a global effort to bring together a leading group of countries to rally behind ambitious targets in a Global Memorandum of Understanding – MoU for short. Many signatory countries will participate in today’s panels, and I’m proud to present the Global MoU on behalf of all of them.
  • The purpose of the MoU is simple. To meet the goals of the Paris Agreement we need carbon emissions to be net zero by 2050. Considering a 10-year turnover time for fleets, we need a full transition to zero emission medium- and heavy-duty vehicles in new fleets by 2040. And to stay on track, we need 30 per cent of new trucks and buses sold to be zero emission by 2030. This is the overall aim of the Global MoU.
  • The Global MoU is not a one-off declaration. Under the Drive to Zero campaign, the signatories of the Global MoU intend to meet annually to discuss progress and plans and share experiences to accelerate the deployment of zero emission trucks and buses.
  • Nations are not alone in striving to make this ambition a reality. I’m very pleased that many manufacturers, fleet owners, cities, states, regions and infrastructure providers have also endorsed this Global MoU.
  • That common resolve gives me great confidence that we will transition rapidly to zero emission lorries and buses. Accelerating innovation and delivering clean technology jobs, better air quality and health, and a more sustainable climate.
  • By now you’ll be wondering who has signed the MoU. If you open the QR code you will see the list of signatories and endorsers. I see their support as a strong signal to speed up the transition to zero emission trucks and buses. 
  • This is just the beginning of our global journey. We all know that we need to get many more countries on the list of signatories. To make a real difference we need a global commitment. 
  • On behalf of the signatories of the Global Memorandum of Understanding, I call on other countries to join our effort without delay. Together we’re stronger and smarter. If we want to Drive to Zero, we’d better get in the fast lane soon in order to reap the full range of benefits. So let’s fasten our seatbelts and speed up to zero emission mobility! 

Thank you.