Verklaring tijdens de verkiezing van niet-permanente leden van de VN Veiligheidsraad

Verklaring van minister Bert Koenders in de algemene vergadering van de Verenigde Naties tijdens de verkiezing van 5 niet-permanente leden voor de VN Veiligheidsraad (New York, 28 juli 2016). De verklaring is alleen in het Engels beschikbaar.

I would like express first of all: thank you all for your patience.

The signal of this assembly, this afternoon, has been quite clear. It was reflected in the last vote this afternoon. 95 votes for Italy and 95 votes for the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

This is a clear signal that you appreciate both our countries in representing you in the Security Council. Therefore, my colleague minister Gentiloni and myself put forward a proposal, subject to full endorsement of the 'Western European and Other Nations Group', that we would like to split the term.

Italy would be in the Council for the period 2017-2018 and the Netherlands in the subsequent year 2018-2019. Once such an endorsement has been reached, and I would like to make this proposal to you Mr President, you could put forward a procedure for the resumption of the session.

In closing, first of all, the Kingdom of the Netherlands - also my colleagues here, the prime ministers from Aruba, Curacao and Sint Maarten - is extremely grateful for the large support we have received during our campaign in our fight for peace, justice and development. Thank you very much, Mr President.