Toespraak van staatssecretaris Klijnsma bij het ESF Dinner

Toespraak van staatssecretaris Klijnsma (SZW) bij het ESF Dinner op 14 juni 2016. De tekst is alleen in het Engels beschikbaar.

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is a pleasure to see so many of you here tonight. While you are waiting for your dinner, I would like to talk about another meal of the day:


As the saying goes in English:

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

The story behind this saying is interesting:

A free lunch refers to the once-common tradition of American saloons providing a “free” lunch to patrons who had purchased at least one drink.

Yet here is the catch: Many foods on offer were high in salt. So those who ate them ended up buying a lot of beer. In the end, these customers were spending a lot more money.

A nice story, but I have to say, also one that is based on a bit too much scepticism. Perhaps there is no such thing as a free lunch. But I do believe in lunches that everyone profits from. A sandwich on the house that turns into a Michelin star meal, to be shared by all. 

I see some disbelief here, but I can tell you it is true. In fact, you’ve experienced one today at the Kloosterkeuken restaurant. No, I am not talking about the meal prepared for you by the Kloosterkeuken. I am talking about the 'free lunch' provided to the restaurant and the work training company Perspectief.

With help of ESF funding, the restaurant and company are educating and training youths who have been experiencing difficulties at school and who were about to leave their school without a diploma.

At the restaurant, these kids are getting valuable on-the-job training. They are learning the tricks of the trade from experienced chefs, as well as the discipline and perseverance required to succeed in a career as a chef. Or any other career, I might say.

While the future for these kids was on hold, it has now been given a kick start. To me, they are rising Michelin stars themselves!

Yet this 'free lunch' is one that everyone profits from. Not only these young talents, but also the Kloosterkeuken and society at large. And of course you, the ones enjoying their delicious food! 

Ladies and gentlemen,

Free lunches make people sceptical. I understand that. But the ESF shows that it is possible to have useful projects that are partly funded by subsidies. It is very important that we show others the success of these ESF projects. We need to share the best practices and showcase the rising stars. The people who have found work or finished their education, with the help of ESF funding.

I am glad that this aspect is getting much more attention now. You have made great strides concerning strategic planning, evaluations, and better cooperation between Member States. The Evaluation Partnership is a great example of this.

However, there is also room for improvement. To be honest, I was quite surprised about the amount of administrative procedures and controls that had to be in place for instance for the designation audit, a heavy exam we recently successfully passed.

Of course it is important to show that the money is spent properly, but I also think this can be done more simply.

I am glad that you are already working on this. In the High-Level Group on Simplified Costs you are examining how to simplify the process of accountability. And you are also looking ahead to the post-2020 ESF period.

This is a positive development. Because changing the existing procedures will make life a lot easier, not only for the applicants, but also for you. And in the end it will lead to more public and political support for EU funding.

Let’s put more effort in sharing best practices and results instead.

In the Netherlands, almost 100.000 people participated in more than 70 ESF projects over the past 2 years (ESF period 2014-2020). One out of five participants already found a job. Others are following a training course now, or have enrolled at a college. Active inclusion will remain important the coming years. We will focus on training, mediation and employment for vulnerable groups, including refugees.

Active ageing is another focal point of ours. Everyone should be able to participate in society, regardless of their age!

Each year, we organize the ESF-awards competition to promote best practices and put some of the rising stars in the picture. Tomorrow two finalists will present their best project. Two must-sees, indeed!

Ladies and gentlemen,

I am going to round up.

While I can see the benefits of a lunch on the house, a dinner that has turned cold is definitely a no-go.

So for now, let’s enjoy the evening and share a great meal. I wish you a productive day tomorrow.