Toespraak van minister Schultz van Haegen bij kick-off Plan Maestro Fluvial/Masterplan

Toespraak van minister Schultz van Haegen (IenM) bij de kick-off van het Plan Maestro Fluvial/Masterplan op 3 september 2015 in Colombia. De tekst is alleen in het Engels beschikbaar.

Excellency, ladies and gentlemen,

It is a great pleasure to be with you for the kick off of the Plan Maestro Fluvial.

I am very proud our countries worked together in developing this plan to create optimal circumstances for the development of river transport in Colombia.

More important; it is a very fine example of Dutch-Colombian cooperation funded by both countries. Not only the project was financed in equal part by our two countries, Colombian and Dutch companies also worked closely together combining all the knowledge available in Colombia with the Dutch expertise. That is exactly the way I think we should work together to make this projects  successful.

Our countries are natural partners. We both have large rivers and a vast river delta. And we both manage a long coastline. So both of us share a lasting bond with water. As a potential threat. But also as a opportunity for economic development.

We already work very closely together on water safety. In  the field of water transport there is however a world to win.

My country with more than 3.000 miles of navigable rivers and canals tries to make maximum use of the opportunities of inland water transport. The Netherlands is by example number one in the EU with regard to inland waterway transport.

Of all transport in the Netherlands 37 per cent is by inland transport. In the rest of Europe this share is six per cent. In Colombia this is no more than two per cent. So, there is a lot of potential, to say the least.

Inland shipping is a reliable, safe, (cost) efficient and sustainable way of transporting cargo between our ports and destinations in Europe.

In order to keep our world class infrastructure accessible we need smart logistics. And smart means maximum and better use of all ways of transport; road, rail, air and of course: water!

Colombia has impressive ambitions in the area of infrastructure, especially in air, sea and river ports, navigable rivers and intermodal transport. I am very pleased that this Masterplan can contribute to this ambitions.

I understand that the government is working hard to make navigation on the Magdalena River possible again. The project that is being executed by the Royal Haskoning DHV at the Canal del Dique is part of that ambition.

In the future and based on the Fluvial Masterplan not only the Magdalena River will be navigable. It is important to think on a network of rivers connected with other ways of transport.

Therefore I am very interested in the outcome of this Plan Maestro Fluvial and the way forward!

I understand that there are some interesting conclusions and recommendations to proceed.

  • The suggestion to establish one river agency (red. Agencia de Navegación y Puertos) is a key for success. From my own country I know that it is very relevant that one organization is responsible for all decisions.
  • Another important message is renovation and rehabilitation. An update of the state of the ports and maintenance is essential before new investments take place.
  • River transport doesn’t stop with navigable rivers. It’s a start! Intermodal transport is essential to connect all the areas. We have to take care of excellent connections between all modalities, especially road transport. Otherwise our efforts will fail.

The Netherlands is keen to cooperate in the next phase of the Masterplan. Why? Because your plans on water infrastructure and transport match very well with our expertise;

Our private sector and knowledge institutes stand ready. We are keen to share knowledge and experience. Not only technical knowledge, but also experience in governance and finance for planning and realization of measures;

More than 50 years our countries work together. We have now entered a new phase in our cooperation. I believe that we can broaden our cooperation on the basis of equal partnership that will strengthen both our economies;

My country can play a major role in realizing the ambitions on infrastructure and transport in Colombia; in the field of port development, dredging, (maritime) transport et cetera.

To conclude. I like to thank all the people that contributed to this plan and will be part of the follow-up of the project. I am convinced that there is a great potential for active and further partnership. Not only because we see potential but also because Colombians and Dutch people share the same kind of business mentality. I believe you call it 'vamos a arrancar'. So I say: let's get to work!

Muchas gracias. Thank you.