Performance Based Navigation (PBN). ROADMAP for the Kingdom of the Netherlands 2010-2020

Due to the continued efforts of ICAO a globalised definition and implementation guidance for Performance Based Navigation (PBN), which is foreseen to ultimately rely on GNSS only, has been made available. Benefits of applying PBN can already be seen in present day operations in the Netherlands.

Formulates a general vision and major milestones with regard to navigation. Describes the rationale for PBN, the potential benefits of applying PBN and defines proposed milestones within the navigation domain.

ILS will remain, up to 2020 and beyond, the prime source of guidance for precision approaches and landings since augmented GNSS (GBAS) has not yet been defined for Cat II/III operations and GNSS is expected to follow up ILS instead of MLS.

With the exception of RNAV1, mandates formulated in this PBN Roadmap are currently in line with the mandates proposed by Eurocontrol and ICAO EUR PBN. National mandates therefore depend on the European regulatory and certification process (EASA).

The ATM environment in the Caribbean part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands differs from the situation in the Netherlands due to the use of oceanic and remote continental routes where the application of PBN is more common.