Homecoming of Mr Robert Swan

Speaking notes Ms M.J.A. van der Hoeven, the Netherlands Minister of Economic Affairs, at the homecoming of Mr Robert Swan OBE (Yacht 2041) in the Port of Rotterdam,
9 November 2009.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

  • It is wonderful to see so many of you here!
  • Today we have come to a special place, to mark a most special occasion: the return to Rotterdam of a ship that is on a global voyage for cleaner energy.
  • The 2041 voyage has already made a substantial contribution to education and the environment, in a very special way.
  • The 2041 voyage has the power to inspire. You are on a mission to preserve, to protect what is precious for future generations. You are fuelling change, making history while sailing along.
  • With the wind blowing in your sails, you have now travelled thousands of miles over sea. Natural resources, wind and solar most prominent among them, are vital to our planets survival. They will come to play an important part in all domains of life: at home, at work, while on the move from place to place. Your ship has come to symbolise this message.
  • Dear Robert, we welcome you most warmly to the Port of Rotterdam. Your home port. Our gratitude goes out to you and your crew.
  • Thank you for championing the cause of sustainable energy. Thank you for caring about issues that lay neglected for too long. And of course, thank you for being here today.
  • Ten years ago, you set off from Rotterdam on a mission. A most heartfelt mission (and I quote) "to inform, engage and inspire the next generation of leaders to take responsibility, be sustainable, and know that now is the time for action in policy development, sustainable business generation and future technologies" (unquote). A number of Dutch companies have supported you in your endeavour. We take pride in that.
  • As for now: you will soon find your way to Copenhagen. Your next port of call.
  • "Copenhagen" is now synonymous with hope. Hope for change. Hope for a better world, in which future generations can enjoy our planet's riches without paying too high a price.
  • In December, the Copenhagen UN Climate Summit simply must result in a breakthrough in climate change negotiations coming December. As you have made clear in so many of your statements: now is the time to act. A global political agreement on what to do and how to act is the first necessary step. An agreement in which all countries are involved.
  • The Dutch government has already stepped up its investments in wind energy. We envisage an offshore wind farm in the North Sea that is to produce 6000 Megawatts.
  • Such investments are part of a wider government energy and climate strategy.
  • By 2020 we aim for a 20% share of renewables, a 30% reduction of CO2 emissions and at least a 2% annual improvement in energy efficiency leading up to that date.
  • In more concrete terms, we are working hard on introducing a smart grid. Our daily routines will change, I am sure they will, as electric cars, domestic solar panels and cogeneration heating systems - to name but a few developments awaiting us - will be introduced on a much larger scale.

  • It is my fervent wish that each and everyone of us commit to a most thorough energy transition.
  • In a sustainable world, places like Antarctica lie protected, as rising sea levels are contained and environmental pollution is halted. In a sustainable world, there is a future for everyone.
  • Dear Robert, by returning to Rotterdam, you have entered a city that in many ways represents the best of what the Netherlands has to offer in the field of sustainability and clean energy technology.
  • The Rotterdam Climate Initiative, for instance, seeks to improve the climate for the benefit of the people, the environment and the economy. It is a highly ambitious programme that aims to reduce CO2 emissions by 50% in 2025.
  • The Initiative is a working group of four, made up of the Rotterdam municipality, the regional environmental protection agency, the Port of Rotterdam, as well as Deltalinqs, representing business participants.
  • Parties in Rotterdam are highly motivated to cooperate. And - equally importantly - they do not shy away from a significant amount of pioneering work. Evidently, pioneering entrepreneurs can mobilise other forces in society, they can lead the way and create dynamism as they dare go places where others fear to tread.

  • Getting things done by working together… Going places where others fear to tread… It is what binds us all today.
  • The 2041 voyage has shown us the importance of involving young people in all our efforts for a safer and greener world.
  • Rotterdam: European Youth Capital for 2009. What better place to be?
  • I wish the 2041 crew a most pleasant stay in Rotterdam and a safe voyage up north. You are a source of great inspiration to us. Together we can sum up the courage and will to do what is right. To work our way towards a bright future, making history as we sail along.
  • Thank you.