Spreekpunten bij de presentatie van het boek "De dilemma's van globalisering: op weg naar een herwaardering van de landbouw"

Speech by the minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the Netherlands, ms. Gerda Verburg, on the occasion of the presentation of "The dilemmas of globalization: towards a revaluation of Agriculture" by the Groupe de Bruges. Brussels, 15 July 2008

Dear Dacian, beste Arie, chere Michel,

  • The Groupe de Bruges and the Netherlands go back a long time; and I am happy to be able to prolong our relationship;
  • Glad to have been asked to be here at the presentation of this book by the Group de Bruges;
  • Agriculture is an important issue on the international agenda. And that's a good thing. Agriculture has too long been neglected in my oponion. The high prices for food makes it difficult to reach the Millenium goals. Investments in the agricultural sector are necessary, worldwide.
  • This book is published on the right moment; excellent timing
  • Of course I haven't read the book yet, so I will not go into detail in my reaction, but let me make a few remarks;
  • The Groupe de Bruges favours a new approach for the international debate on agriculture, and in doing so it criticizes the CAP. It fears the discussion is focused too much on the short term, and that we will forget the necessary fundamental approach.
  • Let's not forget that in the Council of Ministers, and in our countries, we are really working on two levels with regards to the CAP: the Health Check, dealing with the short term, but not forgetting the long term after 2013;
  • And we are talking about food or fuel, sustainable development, social and ecological services to society and global warming. And I agree, the European Union is not the same as when it was founded, and therefore we need to keep adjusting the CAP to the needs of today and tomorrow;
  • And that is why I appreciate greatly the effort of the Groupe de Bruges, and I am convinced this book will play a major role in our discussions, now and later. The Groupe of Bruges keeps us sharp and I call on you to continue doing just that;
  • Let me grasp the opportunity to present to you the outline of my ideas to soaring food prices in developing countries. A plan that is structural in nature; I have already mentioned it during the Informal council meeting in Slovenia.
  • Unused and unallocated funds should be returned to the member states, rather than sent to developing countries;
  • Those countries should use these means to invest in sustainable agriculture, rural economic development and food security in developing countries, based on a five track approach:
    (1) improving productivity, (2) creating an enabling environment (3) sustainable value chain development, (4)increased market access and (5) food security and income distribution mechanism.
  • The Netherlands have allocated 50 million euro per year for this plan. If all member states were to do the same (including the EU), we would have an annual budget of 1.4 billion euro. Now that would make a difference.
  • Maybe ad advice by the Groupe de Bruges on the Dutch plan would help our cause.

Thank you