Opening water technology Expo Aquatech

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Ladies and gentlemen,

First, I would like to say that last week’s news of the severe earthquake in Sichuan caused deep sadness in the Netherlands. Allow me to convey the heartfelt sympathy of myself, my government and the Dutch people with the victims and their families. I also would like to express our admiration of the Chinese government’s rapid and effective response to the catastrophe.

In spite of those feelings of sadness allow me to speak to you on the occasion of the opening of this Expo Aquatech here in Shanghai.

China’s efforts in the field of water management are impressive. For water management China is making use of centuries of own experience and brand-new innovations. This Expo is proof of these efforts.

The availability of drinking water, proper sanitation, the purification of sewage water, and recently climate change are big challenges to every country. Establishing a sustainable water policy is one of the biggest challenges facing any country dealing with water issues; this is also true for my own country, the Netherlands.

In the recent past we had severe water quality problems. Thanks to international cooperation and technological innovations we succeeded in solving these problems. Dutch experiences in this area could prove useful for China.

The Netherlands have a long history of working together with China. This bond is expressed for instance in this Expo, partially organised by the Dutch Amsterdam RAI conference centre. These fairs are important for business opportunities. Off course Dutch companies are present on this fair. Some of them exhibit collectively in the Netherlands Water Pavilion.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The water world is changing fast., and thanks to technological innovations new solutions are being found for a wide range of issues. Aquatech has a 40-year-old tradition and is now present here in Shanghai. This is a positive proof of the global interest in high-quality water technology.

Good water quality is in everyone’s best interest.
I wish all participants in Aquatech good luck and good business at the Expo.

Thank you very much.