Adaptive ramp metering : development of an adaptive capacity-demand ramp metering method

After the section a short review will be given into control systems, and adaptive control systems. In Section 3 we will examine existing metering methods, and in Section 4 available capacity estimation methods will be reviewed. In Section 5 the three previous sections will be put together. In Section 5 adaptive metering methods will be proposed, which will be formed by combining a metering algorithm with a capacity estimator. Section 6 describes how the metering methods proposed in Section 5 will be tested. To this end a simulation
environment will be constructed and calibrated in Section 7. The
simulation environment will be modelled after an existing on-ramp, which is also selected in Section 7. With the simulation environment complete, the proposed methods will be tested. The results of the experiments will be presented and discussed in Section 8. Based on that discussion a conclusion and recommendations will be made in Section 9.